Chapter 4 - Our First Practice

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Adam's POV

So that was Angelina Sparks in person. She might be the centre of attention now but not for long.
I just looked at her with my brows furrowed, completely unimpressed.

Angelina's POV

By the time I had finished my 'performance', everyone started arguing. I just stood on the side, not wanting to get involved.
Absolute idiots.
Then Bombay finally decided to do something. I roll my eyes.

"Everybody freeze!" And they all did. "Now we didn't come here to fight! We came here to play hockey! We're Team USA. You represent your country."
Not mine though.
"That's right!" Tibbles said, agreeing with him.
"Now I want you-"
"To be all that you can be right? You gotta raise yourself up, guys! You got-"
Bombay gave him a look to shut up.
"All right, now, let's start with scrimmage"

He was about to blow his whistle but then again he was interrupted by Tibbles "Great! Scrimmage" And Tibbles blew his whistle. "You heard your coach. Now-" He then realized that Bombay was glaring at him.
"Hey, you don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyway. I've got to see Miss McKay, she's the team tutor." He was about to walk away but then...

"Don... come on." He held his hand out for him to give his whistle. He did so. "You'll get it back at the end of the school term." Then he turned to us again. "All right Ducks! Show 'em what you got! Let's scrimmage!"
And just like we got into our positions, unfortunately Dwayne took my spot as centre.
"Great day for hockey, ain't it?"
"Sure is Cowboy."

The puck was dropped and Hall was immediately knocked over and the puck was passed to me. I passed it to Luis and he ended up colliding with Goldberg. After he got up he skated up to me.
"You really need to learn to stop very soon." I said before skating away.

Bombay kept on shouting things like "Let's go!" And "Come on Ducks". Avermen went up to take a sip of water right next to him.
"Haven't you guys been practicing in the off-season?"
"You know, I knew we forgot something."
Then #99 scored, the score was 10-1, I scored about 7 of those.

"Good shot Adam! Way to show 'em."
So his name is Adam. We'll see if he is the star player after all.
While I was glaring as he skated past, I heard someone shout "Look Out!" And I ducked. One of the Ducks took a shot on Julie. It hit the cross bar and flew around the rink. It eventually stopped. No one on the team got hurt but someone sure did; Tibbles.

We all were crowded around him, I was standing next to Kenny and Julie. The woman that had crouched beside him kept asking if he was alright. Tibbles finally opened his eyes.
"Oh, Mr Tibbles, are you alright?"
"Uh i-i'll have a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake please."

Ugh bloody Americans, is fast food all they eat, for goodness sake.
"I think he'll be okay. We'll keep an eye on him. Oh, I'm sorry. He didn't have a chance to introduce us, I'm Michelle McKay, their tutor."
"Hi I'm Coach Bombay. Their coach."

"Who said we need a tutor?" Banks said. I rolled my eyes and mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh bloody hell, here we go."
Julie and Kenny burst out laughing. Banks rolled his eyes at me.
"I don't need no school." Dean said, causing people to agree with him.
"With that grammar sweetheart, you definitely do." I said to him which caused everyone to laugh loudly, but Julie and Kenny were dying of laughter at this point.

"Now, Miss McKay we're America's team here. Shouldn't we just be concentrating on hockey. May I suggest optional attendance." Goldberg said with his arm around her shoulder.
Everyone nodded in agreement except me. I really didn't care.
"Well, that's not a bad idea."
"Call me, Goldberg."

"Goldberg. Yes. School will be optional. However! Should you not attend, you will not be eligible to play."
"Oh, that's not fair!"
"Can she do that?"
"Oh my god, just suck it up and move on." I said to what seemed like a group of whining babies, which caused Kenny and Julie to laugh even more. We skated away from Tibbles.


Later, Bombay tied us all up with a rope and we were all stuck together.
"This is more crowded than a truckload of goats." Said Dwayne.
"Somebody better watch their hands." Julie added and Connie who was on the other side of me nodded in agreement.
"Definitely, or they better be ready to try and catch my hands." I added

Someone scoffed from behind me. "Yeah, whatever you say." Some started laughing. I turned around and glared at him, and the laughter faded. "Ok never mind. I'm gonna shut up." The guy said, I think his name was Fulton.

Dean joined in on the short conversation. "You better, don't mess with her. She'll rain hell on you. They don't call her 'The Hothead' for nothin'." He said, causing the guy's eyes to widen at Dean.
"Good choice idiot." I said before turning around. Then I heard someone else speak, I think it was Guy. "She's scary."
"Eww someone licked me." Averman said.
"Oh I smell something."

"Goldberg!" Everyone accused.
"It wasn't me!" He defended.
"No, it was me." Dean said, lifting his hands in victory.
"Someone kill me now." I said, rolling my eyes and everyone laughed, again.

"I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team and to win this thing you have to work as one. Now as one, skate." Everyone fell on their first try. We quickly got back up.
"Alright, everyone move to your right, now." Dean ordered.
"Who made you boss? Everyone to your left!"

Everyone moved in their own direction and fell. I didn't bother moving at all which left me the only one standing. I put my hands out for the girls to take and they took them.
"You guys can argue all you want... but I am not untying you until you move as one."
But then we got the hang off it and we managed to skate as one.
He finally untied us and I rushed to get out of there.

"Finally, fresh air!" I exclaimed jokingly, which caused everyone to giggle.
"I love your sarcastic ass." Julie said, skating toward me.
"Why thank you darling." I said with a smile, bowing enthusiastically like I just gave a whole performance.
"I wasn't able to properly introduce myself, I'm Connie." The other hirl said, putting her hand out. I took it.
"Angelina." I said with a slight smile.

"All right you guys are starting to look like hockey players, I'm proud of you team. You worked hard today, but hockey should also be fun. Rancher Dwayne."
"Yes sir."
"Round me up some stray cattle there." And just like that I stood up and skated away, not wanting to get caught. By the end of it I was the only one left and Dwayne was so out of breathe from chasing me. He also taught us how to line dance. It was a good first practice. However, throughout the whole thing I felt someone glaring at me the whole time.

That was Chapter 4! Hope you enjoyed! Who do you think was glaring at Ange? Let me know what you think in the comments!

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