Chapter 14 - School Yard Puck

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Angelina's POV

Portman was leading a workout for us because Bombay didn't bother turning up to practice.
"And hold, two, three --"
"Coach isn't here. Why do we have to be?" Connie said, obviously frustrated like the rest of us.
"We have a game tonight. We have to work out." Portman answered.
"I say mutiny, who's with me?" Goldberg said, and he stopped doing the exercise. Dwayne raised his hand and replied to him.
"Goldberg, I'm too tired for mutiny."
"Come on guys it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning." Julie finally said.
"I agree, let's just all shut up and keep going." I said, and I was about to continue.

"Speak for yourselves, babes." Portman said, looking directly at me and Julie.
"Their names are Julie and Angelina, not babes." Adam said walking towards Portman, defending me and Julie. Me and Julie looked at each other in shock.
"Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" Portman said, shoving Adam. I instinctively got in-between them trying to break it up.
"Hey Portman chill!" Fulton yelled causing Portman to respond with "Hey you want a piece of me?" And shoved Fulton. We all started fighting but we were shortly interrupted.

"Yo, Team USA, what are you gonna do today? A million jumping jacks?" I recognised him straight away, he has been to every single one of our games and hasn't failed to tell us how shit we are in his eyes.
"This kid is crazier than me ignore him. Look Fulton!" Portman said continuing the fight but then me and Jesse broke out of it and looked directly at the other kid.
"Man I'm getting sick of you." Jesse said.
"Oh and I'm getting sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies, well except The Hothead herself, she's the only one that's good." The kid continued.

"To bad you cant back up that mouth." Jesse said.
"I'm not gonna lie, I don't think you meant any of that. And do you know how I know that? Because I've seen you at every single one of our games, you must be such a big fan, huh?" I said making him go silent for a moment, then avoid the question by turning the Jesse again.
"Me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere."
"I don't see no 'boys'."
"I got 'em waiting. Grab your gear and let's play some school yard puck. Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride." He finished and got taken out by one of the guards.
I started walking to get my gear. I turned to see the whole team staring at me in confusion.
"Well what are you guys waiting for? Do you really want to prove him right and leave him thinking that we are a bunch babies? I sure don't, so hurry the fuck up and let's get our gear!" I said and they all cheered.


We were on the court. And opposite us were a huge group of boys.
"My little brother Russ here's been telling me you have been chokin' big time." Russ' older brother said.
"Well, your brother's got a big mouth." Jesse answered back. Causing everyone to worry that our asses were gonna get beat, I didn't really.
"He does, doesn't he?" Everyone sighed in relief.
"And he definitely needs to learn to shut it more often." I said to him.
Everyone looked at me with shock.
"I know who you are. Sparks, follow me." He said and I did so.
"I want you to play against all of my boys first." I stood in the middle of the court and the puck was about to be dropped. This is going to be easy.

Someone dropped the puck and I automatically got it, knocking James over. I sprinted down the court as fast as I could. None of the boys could touch me. I dodged and pushed them over as I had the puck and then I scored. I heard panting and gasps for air from behind me, I turned around and saw the whole of James' team gasping for air. I walked over to James who had his head down with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.
"You're definitely as good as you seem on TV." He said.
"Don't ever underestimate me again. Am I clear?" I said with furrowed eyebrows, and he nodded.

I skated back to the others.
"That was amazing Ange!!!" They all said.
"I know that she can play, but we know that all you can do is talk to the press and sign autographs." Russ said, making all of us face him again.
"We can do more than that." Luis spoke up.
"Yeah? We can teach you to play like the real Team USA." He said.
"What would you know about it?" Portman said, and just like that we started playing, but before I could do anything Banks pulled me back.
"Just because I stood up for you against Portman, doesn't mean anything. Got that?" And he skated away.

Adam's POV

I skated away from her. I need to stop caring about her, and focus on hockey and beating her. Focus Banks.

Angelina's POV

"Hey, ain't no whistles out here either. You keep digging until you score that goal." James said.
We continued playing, Charlie looked really out of breath, he misses the goal.
Russ skated up to me and Charlie.
"And then you take a few breaths, slug some water and get out there and do it again!" He said to Charlie and we cheered.
Later on the puck went over and hit someone's car.
"Eh, no sweat, it happens all the time."
"Excuse me, throw it back please"
"Here kid, alley-oop."

Then we witnessed something unusual. Russ did quite an unfamiliar shot.
"What the heck kinda shot was that?" Fulton asked in surprise
"Ah, you like that, huh? That's my knuckle puck. It's hard to be accurate but it drives the goalies crazy."
We continued playing until Kenny scored.
"Alright! Aw, you messed up now! Come here, I'm gonna get you! Come here! Come here Junior! Come here!" James said going towards Kenny. I was about to step in.
"No, I'm just messin' with you, okay? Listen, when I guy comes up to you like I just did, you do this. Stick, gloves, shirt." He demonstrates
"Yeah, okay. My turn. Stick. Gloves. Shirt." Kenny said. We all cheered.


"All right go get 'em! You guys do it, okay?" James and the others cheered from above us. We all smiled and got on the bus. We have a game to win!

That was Chapter 14! This was so fun to write! Hope you enjoyed!

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