Chapter 8 - Press Conference

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Connie's POV

Last night was wild. It escalated pretty quickly. It went from Portman and Fulton playing extremely loud music too Adam and Angelina about to rip each others heads off. Adam has always been a really nice person to everyone, I think this whole rivalry has not had a good start to their relationship.

Me and Julie, realized something last night when their fight was going on. We got up early, well earlier than Ange, and we got ready and headed down to breakfast, where we found Adam. He was always the first one up in the morning.
"We need to talk Banks." Julie said.
"Sure, what's up?" He asked calmly.
I rolled my eyes. "You see how nice you are to us, why cant you do the same with Angelina?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied, looking away from us.
"Do you feel threatened by her? Do you like her? Or is this all because coach is turning you against each other?." I asked. He stayed silent, looking annoyed.
"Also." I said to him making him look at us again.
"We saw you checking Ange out the whole time throughout that fight that you had last night." Julie continued.

"Cut the bullshit, and leave me alone." He said not making eye contact with us.
"You can deny it all you want but we know it's true. Fix your shitty attitude and at least try and be nicer to her. You have no idea what that girl has been through." And just like that me and Julie walked away. And went back to our dorm room.

Adam's POV 

After the walked away. I couldn't help but get enveloped by my thoughts. I was thinking about what they said. Do I like Sparks? Ha! Of course not. Okay Banks pull yourself together. She is your competition, your rival, you have to prove that you deserve to be on this team more than her. I just sat on the breakfast table in silence, until all the boys walked in and sat down with me.


Angelina's POV

We had a press conference today. And boy, I was not looking forward to it. I wasn't here to sign autographs, take pictures, be on the news or any of that shit. I'm here to play hockey! Bombay looked like he was definitely enjoying himself though, which started to worry me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Team USA hockey, and the man chosen to lead them to the gold Gordon Bombay." Tibbles announced as we stood on a  platform and cameras automatically started flashing and people raised their hands to ask question. Then some weird ass bear walked out onto the platform, and to no surprise it had 'Hendrix' written all over it. He said hi to us, took a couple of pictures then walked of. Then the first question was asked.

"Team USA, how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?"
"Feels good, we love it." The team said, except me, I already knew how all this went, it happened to me in the UK too.  Another question was asked.
"Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favourite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

"Um... hard work" Coach went on and on about some random shit but then I realized that Iceland were already there watching. The team started cheering after Coach finished his little 'motivational' speech, which Tibbles obviously rehearsed with him,  but we were interrupted by Stansson. I've played some of the players on the Iceland team before in other competitions. They are tough cookies and Stansson has always kept an eye on me for some reason.

"Team USA is going down. That's where you are going." Stansson said and the whole room went quiet. "See you on the ice Bombay." He finished and then one of the players on the team opened their mouth to speak.
"We heard you have that little wimp on you team. What was her name? Angelina Sparks. How is that pathetic excuse of a hockey player doing?" He asked and rage took over my whole body. I've been in fights with this guy before. Sanderson.

I pushed past our team and jumped of the platform and started heading towards the guy.
"Wanna say that again!?" I yelled.
"Oh I've been waiting for a rematch with you Sparks." He said and started walking towards me too.
"Oh is that so?" I said standing right in front of him and looked up at him.
He went to laugh but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to my eye level.

"Listen if you don't get yourself and your team out of here right now, you are going to wish you were never born. Am I clear?" I asked, but no answer, just a face filled with fear. "Am I clear?" I repeated.
"Sparks, drop him please." Stansson said, I looked over at him and then launched the guy I was holding forward a couple of meters, causing him to land into a couple of chairs. Stansson and his team started to leave immediately after that.

I felt the team slowly walk up to stand behind me.
"That guy's a dentist?" Kenny asked in confusion.
"That's his nickname, played one year in pros. Collected more teeth than goals." Charlie clarified "He even punched out his own coach." We all continued to glare at them.

"I heard they ran him out the league and the country." Julie finished.
"That's his team!? Those guys are huge!" Kenny finally said.
"He better be careful, or I might punch HIS teeth out soon." I said and everyone looked at me and then back at them to see Stansson smirking at me. I started walking forward and was about to say something but I got pulled back by someone, and they covered my mouth too. I looked up and saw none other than Charlie. I got out of his grip gently and started walking out.

We left the conference room and we were heading to the bus.
"How do you know those guys?" Averman asked, still in shock after what I did to the guy.
"I've played some of them before, even had physical fights with some of them. You know the guy that I chucked-"
"Which was sick!" Everyone said at the same time, except Banks of course, causing me to laugh gently.

"I've gotten into the most fights with him, once during a game, he stabbed my ribs with his stick, he broke 4 of my ribs and one of them nearly punctured my lung." Everyone gasped. "So in return I snapped his arm and I punched him so hard in the jaw that it dislocated." I looked up at everyone and they were all absolutely gobsmacked.
"I split a knuckle in the process" I continued and clenched my fist and looked down at the scar. "But it was so worth it." I said.

"You definitely are a bash sister!" Portman said and Fulton nodded.
I smiled and we got on the bus, I sat next to Charlie, and the whole ride we talked to Guy and Connie. I felt eyes on me, and I turn to see Banks. His eyes were looking at my ribs and my hand repeatedly. I didn't think much off it.

Adam's POV

I couldn't help but look at the places where Sparks said she got injured. I had no clue why I was doing it but, I felt an unusual sense of worry, for no reason at all. She realized that I was looking at her, but thank God she didn't say anything.

Angelina's POV

Later that night I woke up to laughing and screaming, me Julie and Connie all got up and opened the door to see Luis, Goldberg, and Kenny getting chased by Dwayne covered in shaving cream. I just shook my head and chuckled and went back to bed.

That was Chapter 8! Hope you enjoyed! That was another heated chapter! Ange really is a hot head. Let me know what you think.

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