Better than you, Valentino

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The roars of a Pentagram city's life echoed just down below the from the views of a slender pink spider. He sat on the window seal, his duo colored eyes didn't pay much attention to the busy world around him. He had been lost in his thoughts for sometime. He brought a cigarette to his lips then sucked in the smoke and breathed it out. How many days had passed since the worst night of his afterlife, he thought....Honestly he couldn't tell, time had been a one giant haze after another since Val had killed his father. No....Valentino didn't just killed Pops, the moth man had murder his father. His hand squeezed the cigarette, it shook in both anger and frustration when the memories started to flood his mind. He clutched onto his hair, tears streamed down his face. Now Angel saw what Valentino truly was. A possessive Monster that will do anything to keep those disgusting hands on his body for his sick personal use. Whatever or whoever would dare to take the spider away would be quickly destroyed....That included his family... 

On That night. Velvet was getting ready to end his older brother, she wanted her revenge for the loss of her eyes. Angel had caught the doll demon at the very last moment before she could plunged her knife into Arackniss's throat. He screamed at her to stop, she looked at him with furry. Angel turned to Valentino with horrified filled eyes. He dropped to his knees then clawed at the Moth's pants as tears blurred his vision. 

"Please Val! I'll do anything I swear, I swear! Please just spare my brother." He cried "Please Valentino!" 

The pink spider shudder when Valentino began to laugh, this laughter. Angel only heard it once in his entire after life....It was right after he first singed his contract with the pimp. Val laughed exactly like this. It was a maniac like laughter, filled with pride because the moth had got everything he wanted. Valentino snapped his fingers at Velvet, the doll demon hissed and tried to argue with the moth. It only took a simple heated glare to shut up her. She sighed frustrated and threw the smaller spider to the ground. The pimp picked Angel up by his chin then pulled him up into a deep and suffocating kiss. The spider felt like he was going to throw up when Val shoved his slimy tongue down his throat. His hands clutched onto the taller demon then whimpered as the kiss continued for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Valentino pulled away letting Angel breath the air he desperately needed. 

"You iz going to be all mine now Angel cakes. Forever and all eternity." Val said with a malicious cackle.

 The spider sniffed then nodded his head obediently. Valentino wiped away the running mascara off of his adorable miserable face. Angel's uninjured eye was red from the crying and slightly puffy. It was quite cute to see his baby this broken. He placed one more kiss on Angel's lips then whispered to him.

"I'll be coming in a couple weeks baby. After dat you are going to be just for me"

 With that the moth pimp left with Velvet... The memories afterwards were between adrenaline rushing consciousness and foggy blurs . Somehow Angel managed track down Arackniss boyfriend's Sir Pentious and had them go into hiding while his brother recovered. Once he knew his sibling would be safe. He asked his twin sister Molly to help search for their father's remains so they give him a proper burial.....The mother fucker at least deserved that. They dug through the burnt remains of the building. They each took different areas of the former factory to cover more ground. They spent many hours trying to find him...What they found would haunt them for the rest of their afterlife. No....this wasn't just a simple murder. This was tortured and dismemberment. The charred remains of the man they once called Pops imprinted nightmares they would never forget. Angel had turned away and vomited from the sight while Molly was left utterly speechless.

"This...this can't be him." She said with heavy doubt.

"It's him Sis....He...Look at the watch." He said in between pants.

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