"So regardless of what happens in this election- I wish our opponents the best." Some of the interns start clapping, then I hear a bit of commotion outside from reporters trying to talk over each other to ask questions. The fuck? I peek out the window again, and see Ryan trying to push his way through to get inside. "Ella." I say.

"On it." She replies, walking outside to escort him in. They all know her as Kyle's head of security- so now, my name's really in their mouths. Without a word, Ryan hands me the paper copy and leaves. He just got a glimpse of what campaigning's like for the first time in years, and you could tell- he's already done with this shit.

As it nears noon and live cameras start getting set up, Kendra makes final adjustments, and David and I get ready to walk out. We exchange glances, both saying "this is your last chance to back out if you're going to". I shake my head. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ears as security opens the doors for us, and I squint my eyes as the sun almost blinds me.

We're immediately bombarded with questions before I nicely motion for them to shut the fuck up. "Thank you. As you all know, Mr. Miller has yet to announce his running mate-"

  "So it's you then?" A young reporter interrupts.

  "Well I was getting to that part but you kinda ruined it." I say, looking to one of the cameras. "We live in a world- still, where women in certain countries are not allowed to attend school. Where gay people can legally be killed simply for existing and where women can also be killed for refusing to marry somebody their father chose for them. And in the name of world peace and avoiding war, we've let these human rights violations go on for way too long. There is no excuse. Regardless of how much we've unified this country- it means nothing if we cannot unify the entire world. As your Vice President- and to further the agenda of this administration, I will work directly with the leaders of these countries and urge them to get their heads out of their asses and start giving a fuck. We will work with both green and industrialized countries to find a middle ground that allows technology to progress without further damaging the planet, and we will also find ways to fix the mess industrialized countries have already made for it. I've spent my entire life fighting for every individual- regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation or financial status. Speaking of which- there are still a hundred thousand homeless individuals in this country. Why is that? Now- I applaud the past few administrations- including my husband's, for the work they've done to lower that number. Ten years ago it was almost a million- but with us being one of the richest countries in the world, that number should be zero. On day one, we will work to have temporary housing units built so that these individuals have somewhere to stay until they get back on their feet. We will work with scientists on day one to find solutions that will reverse any negative impact we humans have had on the environment."

I take a deep breath and a sip of water. That was a mouthful, and I only used a few sentences from Ryan's script. David nods at me to continue. "We will make it a priority to provide asylum to people looking to escape countries that still use barbaric practices- and yes, we will make the immigration process much, much easier. Because nobody deserves to be.. trying to escape getting killed and then have to take a citizenship test asking stupid questions that have nothing to do with criminal record. The immigration system is broken and we will make it a priority to fix. Because- like every person watching this has probably heard me say before, every human has the right to a peaceful existence without the threat of being killed for- oh I don't know, walking the wrong way."

I take another few seconds to breath. "My name is Lauren Wells. And for all of the little girls watching this that are thinking - hey, maybe that could be me one day- I am running for Vice President of the United States in the 2032-2036 term- David." I step away from the podium to allow him to speak.

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