The Path to Gaining Freedom

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Bakugo blinked in confusion as a spoon filled with curry appeared in front of him, before glancing at the greenette who was cautiously watching Bakugo before glancing back at the spoon to avoid eye contact. Bakugo hesitantly opened his mouth slightly before closing it again, feeling slightly uncomfortable, before his stomach let out an even more awkward rumble. Bakugo flinched and let out an annoyed sigh, before glancing at Midoriya again and opening his mouth, feeling his jaw ache from the movement. Midoriya quickly and carefully put the spoon in Bakugo's mouth before gathering another spoon with curry and rice and once again feeding Bakugo.

Hopefully, the heroes would come soon, but right now, he let himself be fed by the acting villain, and let his head and shoulder ache from the reminding pain of the tortures that were yet to come.


"This is all my fucking fault."

Aizawa let out a strangled sigh as he felt an assuring hand massage his shoulder as he sat up in his hospital bed. The teachers of class 1A were devastated when their worst fear was confirmed, having held onto the hope that someone had managed to rescue Bakugo before the villains could retreat with him, only to be met with the awful truth. Aizawa blinked, and his student had to pay the consequences of his mistake.

"Aizawa, please do not blame yourself. You acted based on analysis, and although it proved wrong, you also managed to save your colleagues life." Nezu unsuccessfully attempted to assure, his squeaky tone remaining despite the usual smile no longer being on his face. Aizawa shook his head, although he knew the principal was right. He simply couldn't believe he was stupid and weak enough to have let his student get captured even with the help of so many heroes in the room. Although, the short male that had knocked him out wasn't taken care of by any of the other heroes because he was directly aiming his attacks at him, and him only.

That confused Aizawa, as well as frustrated — after all, he was mostly a one on one fighter, and the fact that he tried to fight against the attacker on Vlad King while having to defend against the other villain that kept on attacking him in particular, almost seemed like the villain that attacked him knew he wouldn't be able to work well with defending and attacking at the same time, like the most powerful and skilled quirk users could. Whoever the villain was, he was smart. Smart enough to do research, to analyze the few things that were known about the underground pro and use of against him so skillfully while having so little information.

"Aizawa, if there is something else you have to say, please do. I believe it will help a lot." Nezu called out as he looked at Aizawa, seeming intrigued at the frustrated mood that Aizawa had shifted into from his sadness.

"The villain...It's like he knew my weaknesses. He knew I was a one on one fighter, and he knew I wouldn't be able to attack and defend and so he forced me to choose. He drove me into a corner, where if I defended they would've captured possibly both Bakugo and Vlad King, and if I attacked, like I did, I would get knocked out, and only manage to save one. Either way...They got what they wanted." Aizawa shook his head in frustration. It's like their loss was written in pen before the battle even started. The villains didn't let the heroes have any chance of winning, only letting them choose either the bad or the worst outcome.

"Hm...Interesting. There are more than two possibilities as to how that villain in particular had managed to drive you into a corner, although I will tell you those that seem most likely to be true." Nezu stood up in his seat so that the heroes could see him better before continuing to speak, "One of the options is that the villain has an analyzing quirk, or one of that sort, and he could predict your moves and plan something against them. Although, that is unlikely, since the villain that had actually captured Bakugo seemed to have somewhat known of the plan beforehand and ended up in the right position at the right time, so I have another proposition. Whoever the villain is, he is a smart analytic, and with the few videos or reports there are on the internet about you, he had managed to create a plan and bring it into action, leaving the heroes, or the main threat which is you, Aizawa, with practically no way of winning." The heroes went silent as they gaped at the animal, considering what he'd just said.

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