My eyes scan over the bookshelf- landing on a family photo we took a few years ago. Kyle, Taylor, and Mina- Their my real family.

Taylor. As the sister of a former First Lady, she doesn't receive secret service protection and I worry about her every single day- with me holding the position I do. It's never happened to me, but family members of agents have been kidnapped in the past, and because she lives in her own apartment now and has no protection- she's the easiest target. It gives me peace of mind knowing that she won't have a choice but to accept secret service protection- with mr being a major Vice Presidential candidate, and hopefully- in two years- the Vice President.

  Kyle's safe. He's under twenty four seven secret service protection despite his protests. Mina spends a lot of time at home, but when she's not- her bodyguards follow her everywhere. She's not a fan either- but as I've told her- tough shit.

  I really should be heading to the situation room by now, but a thought gets stuck in my head, and I can't shake it. Ethan. Almost as if I've summoned him, he knocks on the door. "Lauren? You in there?" He asks.

  "Yeah..." I quietly say, opening the door.

  "Are you-" he stops himself before he finishes the question. "Sorry."

  "Sit down." I gesture to the couch, and we both turn to face each other. "As the  FBI's chief of staff,  general intelligence investigator to the United States government, the FBI's highest ranking white hat hacker, and as my personal advisor- you are third in the line of succession."

  "So you want me tooo.. take the deputy director's position?" He looks surprised for a second.

  "No-" I shake my head. "Ethan, I'm resigning."


  "Yeah, I know." I interrupt. "Point is.. the position would automatically fall upon you and make you the... acting director. Given your resume, I wouldn't be surprised if Reggie sent you to the senate for confirmation."

  He doesn't say anything for almost ten seconds. A look of shock falls over his face, then denial- then finally, happiness. He's been working towards a higher position for thirty two years- since he started teaching himself to hack when he was twelve, and constantly rose up the ranks until about five years ago, when his career sort of hit a stale point.

  If he accepts this position, it'll be the last one he holds before he retires- just like the vice presidency will be my last one unless I run for... no.

  "Lauren I'm not... I can't..." He struggles to find the right words. "Thank you."

  He suddenly hugs me. He's never been the type to show any physical affection to anybody- platonic or not, so it startles me- but I hug him back after a few seconds. "You can and you will." I reply as I stand up. "We have the same eduction and almost the same amount of experience. You'll do great so... say hello to your new office."

  I leave the door open so he can get out when he's done. As I start to leave, he calls my name again. "Lauren- wait."

  "Yeah? What is it?" I raise an eyebrow, quickly walking back down the hallway to him.

  I'm caught off guard when he presses his lips to mine. The Secretary turns around to face the wall, an "I saw nothing" look on her face. He pulls away, and apologetic look on his face as my hearts beating fast. Not from butterflies, just from thinking "oh fuck what do I do" so many times in the past three seconds.

  "Oh my god I'm so sorry-" I interrupt him by slapping the shit out of him and walking away. The Secretary chuckles at the sound of it.

What the fuck just happened?

The Candidate ✓ (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now