MomoJirou- Skipping

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3 R D  P O V

It was five minutes before class. Jirou paced outside the girls bathroom door impatiently weighing the options on whether she should just go in and drag her friend out. Ultimately deciding against the whole dragging her out option, when she heard broken sobs from inside the stall. The bell rang signaling the start of class. The music loving girl knocked softly on the door to the much richer girls stall, "You okay Yaomomo? You sound like you're crying" There was silence for a slight moment before she replied, "Im fine Kyouka." "Lets ditch class" "?!"

A few minutes of reasoning later, and Yaoyorozu is reluctantly sneaking around the halls of UA narrowly avoiding teachers with Jirou. The pair walk swiftly down the second floor stairs when they hear voices from around the corner. "What do we do now?" the creation hero in training whispered to jirou, "Don't make a sound" "Its Mr Aizawa and Present Mic." 

Astonishment painted Momos face as her classmate explained quietly what they were going to do. "You sure this is going to work?" "I've done this before, in know what im doing" "Lets do this"  

The footsteps of the UA teachers stopped as they looked down at what the two students had left. "Its a..... uhhh" Mic started looking over at his colleague for help, " of bakugou cuddling a dog?" aizawa finished looking at the pictures on the ground. "Whats that doing here?" Aizawa questioned himself looking at the pictures more closely. Mic looked at them with sparkling eyes a sense of mischief reflecting in the loud heros emerald eyes. "WELLLLL ill hold onto them until we know who the pictures belong to!"

The two teachers made there way off to the class not noticing the two students that passed by them while they were distracted. "That actually worked!" Momo exclaimed once they were outside.    

N E Z U ' S   P O V  

I lightly chuckle as I watch two students sneak through the school from the cameras. Eventually, they make it outside the main building and start heading towards Ground Gamma and the USJ. "When are you going to send one of us down to get them Nezu" Snipe asks peering over his boss's shoulder, "they are about to get caught by Hound Dog after all." Nezu smirks looking at his employee. "I wouldn't be so sure Snipe, Hound Dog is the schools therapist" "He does have a soft spot for the students of UA, by that i mean he knows that two students from the hero course wouldn't skip class without a reason whether its to blow off steam or to calm down. He also will let Yaoyorozu off the hook seeing the faint tear tracks on her face." 

The two looked at the screen as hound dog did just that plus giving them a small lecture by the looks of it based off his body language  -the the security footage doesn't have sound- as e handed the two his access card, allowing the students to make a sound escape through the gates. 


 522 Words

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