[HEESEUNG] Unrequitted

Start from the beginning

Maybe you shouldn't have hoped for too much.


What was I thinking? Why did I help him with his confession again?

Your eyes widen, then you start hitting your head with your fist as you stop walking.

Aish, Y/N! Don't be so selfish! Heeseung deserves this. He deserves to be happy, so stop thinking about yourself only!

You sigh once again as you stop hitting yourself, then drop your hand. "I look stupid," you mutter to yourself as you look down at the snowy concrete beneath your feet. Suddenly, a thought occurs to you and you raise your head to look towards the park just a few meters ahead.

Did it go well?

You have to admit, you're curious whether Heeseung's confession was successful and if he's doing well right now. A part of you wants to go check on him, yet another part of you doesn't want to, in fear that you would just get hurt again when you see him with Jirae.

Nevertheless, the first part won, and you soon find yourself strolling towards the park, your hands in the pockets of your jacket while the snow continues to fall on you.


"Sorry, but I can't return the feelings you have for me. I already have someone I like."

Jirae's words keep playing over and over again in Heeseung's mind, and he can't help but feel hurt and embarrassed.

"Why did I even think I had a chance with her?" he wonders as he lowers his head onto his arms, folded and resting on the pavilion's banister. "I'm just a normal student who just goes to the same school as her. Did I actually think that would raise my chances?" He sighs as he raises his head after a few seconds and looks towards the fairy lights. He manages a smile as he looks at the beautiful scenery infront of him. "Y/N's right. It is beautiful."

The boy continues looking around admiring the lights decorating the park until his eyes land on the pathway leading to the pavilion. Heeseung's eyes widen and a curious look forms on his face when he sees a familiar figure standing in the middle of the pathway, looking at him with the same curious look he has on his face.


Why is he alone? Shouldn't he be with Jirae right now?

You keep wondering as you look at Heeseung from afar. You don't even realize that he is slowly turning his head towards where you are standing until you suddenly find yourselves looking at each other with the same curious look, him asking why you're here and you asking why he's alone.

Heeseung moves away from the banister he was leaning on as he walks to the front of the pavilion, a surprised look forming on his face once he realizes that it actually is you staring back at him. "Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Slowly, you start walking towards him without even realizing it. "I was curious so I came to check on you," you tell him without thinking. Surprise suddenly overtakes you when you realize what you had just said, but you don't show it as you ask him the question that had been bugging you since you saw him on his own. "What happened? Didn't Jirae come?"

Heeseung sighs, and you immediately understand. "It didn't really go well..." He then lowers his head as a sad smile forms on his lips. "She said she likes someone else... I eventually let her leave after that."

"Oh..." is all you can say as you look down. You feel relief wash over you over the news, but you immediately wave that feeling away. How can you feel relieved when your friend is feeling sad right infront of you?

You sigh before walking up the stairs of the pavilion and standing beside your friend. "Sorry," you tell him, since it's all you can think of saying.

Once again, Heeseung smiles as he turns to you and shakes his head. "There's no reason for you to apologize. I should thank you for helping me, at least."

Your eyes widen at his response. You then lower your head, looking down at your shoes. "No problem," you mumble under your breath.

"You were right, though," he suddenly says and you raise your head again to look at him.


"The lights," he clarifies, and you notice that he's looking at the scenery before him. "You were right. They are beautiful."

"O-oh," you say as you lower your head before looking ahead as well. The fairy lights hanging from the trees made the trees look as if they were glowing, lining up the path you had just walked on and surrounding the pavilion. The falling snow made it even prettier, making the lights look as if they were emitting a soft glow. "Yeah... they are pretty."

A smile forms on your lips, and the two of you continue looking at the scenery. Two people, both with unrequitted feelings, admiring a scenery in the snow.

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