Chapter one the admin

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POV Xisuma: I was getting a server all those years spent training at special schools and after school programs and studying had paid off. I entered the hub tower. It was one of the tallest towers in the hub extending all the way to the height limit. A common, with long black hair sat at the reception. "Hello how may I help you"she said with fake enthusiasm she clearly hated her job "um I'm Xisuma Void here to claim a server here's my license" she looked it over and swiped it in the license checker thing"it's legit, seventeenth floor" she pointed to the elevator. I flicked the Pages till I found seventeen pressed the button and went up. I was greeted by a common man with blue hair "hello who are you " he asked "I'm Xisuma Void, here to claim a server" I showed him my license. "Right this way there is a portal at -288, 67, -1167 it is just outside the city and a cab can take you there" he said "thank you sir".

I stepped out of the cab, the portal was there. Identical to a nether portal except for the middle which was a distinct teal. "Thank you sir"I called out to the already leaving taxi driver. I could teleport back once I set up some commands. I probably spent an hour or so setting up commands for teleportation and server stuff. I teleported back to the central part of the hub and went home.

The next day I got a message from Joe"hey man were having a party do you want to come?" It read I typed a simple yes. All throughout the day I thought about how I would get members. I told myself I would ask my friends at the party.

"Hey X" said joe opening the door "welcome to our pathetic excuse for a party we have crackers and juice boxes because Joe's mom doesn't buy any good snacks" said Cleo "we also have board games"Joe offered I just suppressed a laugh. "You can't move my pawn you got an eleven not a sorry" screamed Bdubs from the other room "ha ha think again the card reads move forward eleven or switch places with an opponent" said a smug doc moving Bdubs' pawn "hi guys I said to the two doc waved his robotic hand while Bdubs stared angrily at the game of sorry. I looked at who was here there was mumbo who was wearing his suit as always, Cleo who was trying to get Ren to eat a whole bottle of straight up relish for ten bucks, Ren who still wore his beanie even though it was the beginning of summer, Bdubs who was growing impatient with the game of sorry, joe who was also trying to get ren to eat the relish, false who was watching bothe the kitchen and the game of sorry was polishing her sword, and doc the only hybrid out of the lot, hybrids were rare and people usually hated them for being hybrids we all thought that was stupid but we were the minority on that front. When Bdubs had finally won the game of sorry, I thought I'd ask everybody. I was nervous most people end up going to a server but it's still nerve wracking to ask people to a server."hey guys you know how I am kinda an admin now do you guys want to maybe join my server" ugh I messed that up didn't I "yeah I'm in" said Cleo "me too" said Bdubs everyone else agreed. How was this happening I was expecting people to say no and like two people at the most to come but this was unexpected. Everyone was coming wow.

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