Explosive Suprise

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"We...Are NEVER doing that again Y/N."

"Understandable, but I think Aqua is enjoying the large amount of Eris we split."

Aqua had payed off her tab and was already digging herself into more debt.

"We need a bigger party, don't we?"

"That YunYun girl might still be open."

"I don't know, we don't Exactly have the best party."

Aqua sauntered up to us, "Kazuma, don't worry, Y/N is an assassin or whatever, and I'm an Arch-Priest, all we gotta do is ask people to join and people will line up, begging us to let them join!"

"Fine, Aqua can draw the poster. I need a healing Persona, so I'm going to go find one."

"We'll recruit someone by the time you get back. I might try and find that YunYun girl."

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N trying to build a carriage from scratch, with a board nailed into his head.

"It's Been three days Kazuma."

"I know, I'm going to check the poster, maybe that useless goddess did something stupid."

Aqua walked over holding a copy of the poster, "I don't understand how we haven't received any members yet."

I swiped the poster from Aqua and read it over. Kazuma was reading over my shoulder. It was interesting to say the least, with it's childish scribbles and high rank requirement.

"Aqua, you are aware that we are in a starter town, right? If we found anyone that was an advanced job, excluding us, I would buy you enough alcohol to last a month!"

As soon as those words left my mouth, I saw a girl in the corner of my eye walking towards our table, wearing a red cloak, a red hat with orange eyes and a 'mouth' and an eye patch.

"I would like to revoke that statement."

Aqua immediately grabbed onto my shoulder, looking at the girl approaching us, "Nope, if she's an advanced job, I'm holding you to that!"

The girl finally reached us, and introduced herself.

"I noticed your recruitment poster, that we should meet is the fate chosen by the gods themselves! My name is Megumin and my calling is that of an Arch-Wiza..." I stopped paying attention and looked down to my tankard and started to cry for my wallet. My poor wallet.

I finally reined back into the conversation when I saw Kazuma holding onto her eye patch.

"Slowly... Slowly."

I quickly reached over to grab the eye patch from Kazuma, as I saw his fingers loosening, rather far from her face.

"Listen Kazuma, as much money as she has just lost me, via Aqua's Alcohol problem, I do not want to waste SP on healing her eye from this."

"Alright, let's just get ready fo-" *Thunk*

Megumin had fallen over, "Sorry, I haven't eaten in three days."

"Oh, Kazuma go get a quest so we can test her strength, I'll buy some food."

"Hey, Y/N, I think you owe Aqua enough."

"Don't remind me.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N stealing a boat to give his wallet a viking burial

Just some toads in a field, 500 feet apart cuz they're not gay.

"Y/N, keep that frog in front busy, Megumin, use your magic on the one in back."

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