Purple was caught off guard by the loud explosion and the strong shake throughout the ship, but somehow he still managed to get a hold of Tenn and hold her close; his PAK-legs would have wrapped around her protectively if his PAK wasn't disabled. The lights turned a bright shade of cyan-like green: he might not know that much about the Sobrekt's color interpretation, but cyan tones seemed to mean that something was very wrong.

"What the-?!"

"I think we're under attack."

"Think it's the troops Red sent?"

"Hopefully, yes, but it can also be space pirates, Sobrekt deserters wanting another ship-"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Tenn frowned.

The lights went out soon after, and with it, the plasma doors. Knowing they only had a few seconds until the emergency generator kicked in, Purple picked Tenn up bridal style and ran out of the cell. All around the cell block, the other Irken prisoners seemed to have the same idea and ran out of their confinements, but a few end up bumping or tripping into each other.

The emergency lights kicked in not long after, bathing the place in a foreboding orange. Purple looked around him: all around him were Irken Elites, medics, navigators, and even a few high-ranking commanders.

"My Tallest Purple, sir!" The soldiers saluted, wiggling their lekku.

"What's going on?!" Tenn almost shrieked. Purple pressed his lekku against his head. She's back!

"It seems like we're under attack, ma'am!"

"Oh, really, captain obvious?! I mean, who's attacking!"

"One of the guards said something about an unidentified Irken vessel. Perhaps Tallest Red sent someone to rescue you, sir!"

Thank Irk! "Do any of you know where the Escape Pods are?!" The soldiers exchanged glances. Purple twitched his lekku. "I'm surrounded by idiots..."

"I know where they are."

Purple glanced at the door, alarmed, just as the elite soldiers surrounded him protectively. A few ran to get whatever weapon they could to point them at the intruder.

Leaning against the doorway was none other than Sakr.

"Chill out, all of you," the kryvtor said, defensively raising his arms. "Believe me. You don't want to find me. If I wanted your leader dead, I would have killed him already."

"Ha! Like you could get past all of us!"

Sakr sneered. "Oh, please. A mere foot soldier brought down half a dozen of the Tallest's guard single-handedly. Do you really want to see what a veteran can do?"

"Lower your weapons," Purple ordered, never removing his gaze from the kryvtor as he held his wife closer. The last thing he needs right now is a crossfire that might end up hurting Tenn. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be helping your fellows in protecting the ship?"

"Indeed, I should. Right now, I should be taking you down to put you back in your cells instead of talking to you, yet here I am."

The ground shook again, but Sakr didn't seem to move an inch from his spot.

"Go straight to the point, lizard! What do you want?!"

"I told you, your Tallest. I can lead you to the hangar."

Purple narrowed his eyes. "Why would you help me? I'm your enemy, and you work for Mizorant."

"I don't work for Mizorant, I just happen to be part of her crew, but that doesn't mean I agree with some of her... plans." Was it him, or did Sakr's crest bristle slightly? "Do you want to get out of here in one piece or not?"

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