1: Entrance Exam

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I stared at my competition for the day, or lack thereof, and knew I'd be a Magic Knight in no time.

This is seriously the best the Clover Kingdom has to offer?

I sighed as I watched the others pitifully tried to ride their brooms. This isn't even worth my time. How annoying.

I walked up to the edge of the arena and leaned up against the wall, waiting for an opportunity to actually showcase my talent.

Each challenge was just a menial task like making something out of magic or showing you could hit a moving target, so I spent hours comfortably in the shadows, watching my competition.

"Aren't you even going to try?" a cute boy with light brown hair asked while approaching me. I immediately noticed the Black Bull robe he was wearing.

Hmm, a future teammate. I guess I should entertain this conversation...

"These tasks are rather insulting, don't you think?" I smirked while still looking straight ahead.

He gave me a light laugh. "I'm Finral," he introduced himself.

"I'm Y/n." I smiled back.

"Well, Y/n. You're quite beautiful, but unless you showcase some sort of magic, you won't get into a squad."

"I wouldn't worry about that too much, Finral." I began to walk away as the announcer was explaining our final task. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon!"

I felt him staring at me as I walked away. He'd be a lot cuter if he didn't try so hard...

Our last challenge was a one-on-one battle. I saw a girl begin to approach me, "Hey there! Need a partner?" She asked.

"What's your name?" I asked, wanting to make sure she was actually a noble and not just a stuck-up looking wannabe.

"Lilia Vaude, of House Vuade. You might have heard of me?" she asked with a smirk. "And you are?"


"Y/n L/n from the village Saussy. I would love to be partners."

"Saussy? You're a long way from home."

I chuckled, "You have no idea."

"Number 134!" The announcer called.

"Looks like we're up," she said while she tossed her hair and walked away.

I heard murmurs as we walked into the center of the arena. The Vaude clan was one of the most well-known in the kingdom.

Lilia turned towards me, "I'm sorry, Y/n. But I'm going to have to make this quick."

"Of course. I understand," I smiled back.

Her grimoire floated out in front of her, "Water Magic: Water Bullets!" she called while launching 5 different large water balls my way.

I sighed... Poor girl, I'm sorry I have to do this. But, the show must go on.

"Blood Magic: Blood Manipulation."

She let out a bloodcurdling scream as she dropped to her knees. Her water bullets dispersed as soon as I used my magic. She wasn't able to keep them going once experiencing the pain.

I used my Blood Magic to lift her body into the air as it squirmed under my control. I walked up to her floating, now unconscious body.

Too easy. I let her lifeless body drop to the ground as I stood above her. Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes, murmuring to each other at what they just witnessed.

One of the announcers ran up to me. "Don't worry, she's still alive. She'll wake up in a couple hours."

I looked at his horror-stricken face, before rolling my eyes and walking away.

My Blood Magic wasn't dark or evil, just rare and powerful... But no one knew how to respond when they saw it for the first time, so I was used to the fear.

I walked back to the shadow covered wall where I spent most of the day and leaned back to watch the other matches.

"That was my cousin, you know?" I familiar voice chuckled.

"Finral, still here I see... I'm sorry about your cousin. I promise I went easy on her."

"Blood Magic. That's pretty impressive."

I shrugged, "You act as if I had any choice in the matter."

It was true. You didn't get to choose the powers you were born with, you only get to choose what you do with them.

"When I met you earlier, I hadn't sensed any mana." he continued.

"Just a perk of blood magic. I can conceal my power from others."

He nodded and smiled, "Now I see why the other tasks were beneath you."

"No, not beneath!" I protested, hating to come off like a self-righteous bitch. "Just, you know..." I trailed off, not sure how to describe it.

"Yea. I know." he smirked. "I'd be pretty insulted if I was asked to do those too and had your power."

"Well, you're a Black Bull. I'm sure you're quite powerful yourself."

He blushed slightly at my praise, "Any idea which squad you want to choose?"

"I'm actually hoping to choose yours." I confessed.

"Wait really!?! Why's that!? You'll get offers from so many!"

I laughed at his shock, "Geez, give yourself some credit. The Black Bulls are magic knights just like everyone else!"

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I-I know. We just have, well, a reputation."

"I'm well aware." I gave him a wink as the announcer called us all to the front. "Wish me luck!"

I ran over the group of contestants.

Time to find out my fate.

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