"It's an expression; it means that he got you pregnant." Tenn imagined the hyooman rolling her eyes. "Have you seen a doctor?"

"I'm an Irken, hyooman. I will not let an inferior being run tests on me like a lab rat!" Tenn growled.

"Geez, here I thought Zim was childish. Fine, then how about a domestic pregnancy test?"

"How does it work?"

"All you have to do is buy it and pee on it... No, not going to work. Your kind doesn't pee anymore, do you?"

"No," Tenn said curtly. Thankfully.

"Come over to Membrane Labs. There might be a way to figure it out there."

So here she was, about to be handled by an inferior mammal. Okay, she could do this, as long as they didn't make her undress. From top Invader to this. How humiliating.

"Alright, let's start. Please sit here and lay down on your... Think you could remove your backpack for a moment?"

"My PAK?" Tenn stepped back instinctively.

"I need you to lay down to get a better position, and your 'PAK' won't allow you to do so without permanent damage to your spine."

"Chill out. I will make sure nothing happens to it." Gaz assured.

Slowly, Tenn de-attached her PAK from her body and placed it down on the metal table. Then she lay down on the table as instructed. She roughly grabbed the science drone's wrists when she started lifting her blouse until she was informed she only needed to expose her abdomen. The Invader went stiff as the hyooman gently placed and rubbed a strange device on her stomach, spreading a cold, viscous gel. She didn't want to imagine what it's made of.

As soon as the device touched her skin, the nearby screen turned on, showing blurry black and white images. Tenn could vaguely make out the shape of her squeedly-spooch, but judging by the puzzled look on the doctor's face, she didn't. Gaz had to explain to her that Irkens only have one super organ, the Squeedly-Spooch. This made it a bit more difficult for the science drone to find anything until Tenn directed her device to the lower part of her abdomen, where she knew the spooch-sac was.

"So how does your... species know they're pregnant?"

"We get nausea and cravings, but the latter is pretty common for Irkens unless we crave food we wouldn't otherwise eat*," Tenn frowned at Gaz's pizza slice. "Our medical machinery is far more advanced, though, they just need to scan a female to get results."

"And may I ask what exactly I'm looking for if you lay eggs?" Tenn tried to remember how Lena had described it during one of their conversations.

"From what I've heard, it's a tiny spot inside the spooch-sac, but it's easy to miss..." Tenn trailed off as she spotted something on the screen: A tiny white smudge inside her spooch sac. Her squeedly-spooch dropped almost instantly. "Would you mind checking your machine? It's dirty." She stuttered.

"Everything on the screen is the inside of your body, ma'am."

"Then what's that thing? Clean it up!"

"Hey, didn't you just say the smeets look like a tiny spot?" Gaz said, raising an eyebrow. "There's one in there."

"It can't be! I can't be...!" Nonono, this couldn't be! Tenn snatched the device from the science drone and rubbed her belly a few more times, hoping the spot would disappear and prove she was right, but no matter how many times she did, the spot was still there.

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