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They're queens they must be, no one else has such prominent features. And by the way they're controlling the flames they must be elementals. But they way they're dressed. It's old fashioned. Not of her time.

These are the elemental queens of old. Suddenly the realisation of just how mortal and vulnerable Nalani is hits her. And fear seeps into her bones. She is outnumbered by these ancient beings and she doesn't know what they want.

They all murmur, as the all clasp their hands together and the flames get higher, blocking Nalani from the island's view, as the fire gets bigger and then meets at the top, creating a dome around her and them, a shield. She is surrounded and for the first time her flames make her feel trapped. For now she is in a cage. And she is not in control.

One steps forward, breaking from the circle and she opens her mouth but no words come out. Nalani instantly notices the crown of ink tattooed on her brow. An old custom for a queen Instead of speaking, from the figure's mouth, fire emerges as she breathes an inferno high up into the sky. Fire Breather. 

"Queen Elo," Nalani whispers in disbelief, shaking her head, wondering if she is hallucinating. For how can this possibly be real. The dead are supposed to stay dead.

The figure smiles slightly, nodding, before giving her a warning look, "beware of the darkness." Her voice is old, hoarse and is very strange. As if she hasn't used it for eons.

Nalani shakes her head still in shock and now confusion, "how are you here? I don't understand. What's happening?" 

The shadowy figure of Queen Elo, a corpse like thing, moves back, not bothering to reply as she moves back to the other queens surrounding her.

Now another figure breaks from the circle, and as she walks, a storm crackles overhead and thunder booms making Nalani actually jump in fright at such a loud sound. She feels an apprehension, she doesn't know what to expect. Is she going to be struck by lightning or frozen to ice next - who knows how many different affinities these elementals have with their gifts.

This one is a clearly powerful queen with those vibrant storms.The figure lowers her hood and Nalani sees a black crown resting beneath her black waves; she vaguely recognises some of the figures features from portraits of past queens. She is suddenly glad Vivianne insisted on her learning the history of the old elemental queens.

"Queen Shannon," Nalani whispers, her voice getting quieter as the disbelief continues. This can't be real. This must be an illusion. How can she get out of it? No one can hear or see her thanks to this fiery dome surrounding them all. 

The crowned figure with long black wavy hair nods, "beware of the darkness." 

Nalani cries out as she is overwhelmed and screams, "what does that mean? Why can I see you?" 

The figure of Queen Shannon ignores her as she entwines her hand with Queen Elo's.

Then another figure steps forward, her black cloak hemmed with sapphire blue, mist swirls around her feet with each step. A black lace veil covers her face and as she lowers her hood, Nalani falls to the ground in pure shock as she sees the blue crown resting comfortably on the woman's head. 

"Illiann," Nalani breathes in pure shock, "the blue queen." 

The Blue Queen nods, carefully removing her lacy veil to reveal her pretty pale face underneath. Her black eyes are more kind than the last two but her mouth is set in a serious expression though she gives Nalani a comforting smile but it doesn't help. Nalani still feels a whirlpool of emotions and feels so overwhelmed. She must be dreaming. She must. That is the only rational explanation for this. Fennbirn may have gifts unlike other lands but spirits and ghosts don't come into the equation. People live and people die.

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now