* T W E N T Y - S E C O N D * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

"You have to spin seven times," you explained. You were very nervous as you could felt so vulnerable with no t-shirt on.

It's fine he can't see you

"One, He started his first turn. "Two," he did second turn and were already under the water. "Three," you were swimming towards the deep end. You lifted your head as you arrived at the corner of the deep end. "Six."

Shit! Was I that slow?

"Seven," he did his last turn. "Shit, my I'm so dizzy," he complained. He looked around but couldn't feel you presence. "Marco?" He shouted.

"Polo," your voiced cracked. He chuckled and dived right into the water. You weren't sure where to go so  just touched the rails and followed them towards the shallow end. Sakusa swam up to the deep end and yelled Marco again. You answered polo and continued to move at a rapid speed to the shallow end.

"Marco," he yelled once again.

"Polo," you forgot to whisper.


He looked back and saw that he was already diving under the water towards your direction. You swam as fast as you could to the edge of the swimming pool so you could get out of the pool and go the other side. You stopped swimming and quickly walked to the edge. You get there, you were about to hop onto the step when you received fright from Sakusa striving out of the water. You tried not to make a sound because he was so close to you. "Marco?" He breathes heavily.

"Marco?" He repeated as you didn't respond.

"Marco? Y/N, you are suppose to respond," he stated the obvious. You didn't know what to do. His body was so close to yours.

"Marco!" He yelled.

"Polo," you quietly whisper as you winced your face. He immediately reacted by touching you but what he didn't realise was that he bumped your eye instead. "Ow!" You touched your eye. He took off your oversized t-shirt and saw you covering your eye.

"Sorry, didn't realise you that tall," he pulled your hand away from your eye but you pushed his hand away with your other hand.

"Asshole," you sulked as your eye felt as if it were throbbing.

"Let me see it?" He insisted.

"No. You are going to hurt it again," you pouted.

"Can you let me see what I did?"

"Fine," you sighed and removed your hand from your right eye. You kept it shut as it was very sore. He looks at you close up and lifts up your chin to look at your eye from another angle. This made your heart race but you tried to keep it cool.

"It's not anything serious, you will be fine," he let's go of your chin.

"You sure? How would you know?" You didn't believe him.

"I do volleyball so, I know a thing or two about hitting someone in the eye," he explained. You weren't satisfied with his answer so you just kept on sulking. "Do you want me to get you an ice pack?"

"No," you rejected his offer.

"Then what do you want me to do? You want me to kiss it better or something?" He leaned over his right arm as he was holding the edge.

"Ew, I wouldn't want to be kiss there," you looked at him with disgust.

"Then where do you want it?" He smirked. You looked away as you knew what was about to happen.

You can do this.
Don't be nervous.

"On my lips," you quietly said with shyness.

"Then why didn't you say so?" He snorts.

"Well it's my first doing anything with a guy so I don't know how to handle this shit," you grew even more shy.

"That's okay, if I'm being honest I'm not too experienced myself," he tried to cheer you up.

"Oh that's bullshit," you laughed. "The way you kissed her I just know you know what to do," you eye rolled.

"No that's false," he denied.

"How so?" You were convinced he was lying.

"Because I've never kissed a girl I really liked," he blushed.

"I still don't believe you," you look away.

"Why not?"

"Because you are treating me like anybody else right now. Certainly not like someone you really like," you exposed him.

"Then do you want me to act like this?" He blocks both of your exists and move closer to you. You didn't know how to react by this so you stared at him with a blank face.

"It's okay to say you're not ready. I don't force people to do something they don't like," he moves away from you.

But this is what I want.

By the time you were about to say something he was already out of the pool. He went to go dry himself off. Little did you know that you hurt him.


You offered him a hot chocolate while he went to go shower in the guest bathroom. You were pouring the hot milk into the cup while you heard a sound coming from the stairs. "Sakusa?" You call out his name.

"Yeah?" he responded once he arrived downstairs. He walked towards and sat on chair by the kitchen counter. You had finished adding the hot chocolate powder and mixing it well. You handed the cup to him and he thanked you. He was pretty quiet the whole time he was drinking the hot chocolate.


"Yeah?" He looks at you as he finished his last drop of hot chocolate.

"Are you okay? You are pretty quiet?" You were worried.

"No I'm fine," he lied. He didn't want to express his feelings.

"Why are you lying?" You glared at him.

"I'm not," he denied.

"You are, just tell me what I did."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just not in the mood," he gets out of his chair and went to the sink.

"Why aren't you in the mood then?" You walk towards.

"I don't want to say," he rinces off the cup and put it in the dishwasher.

"Please?" You grabbed his hands.

"I don't want to say," he repeated.

You sighed and took a deep breath as you knew you were going to regret what you were going to do next. You grabbed his arm and dragged him to go to the living room. "What are you doing?" He was confused.

"Just come," you continued to drag. He listens and allowed you to drag him. You pulled him towards to couch and you went to sit down next to him on your knees. "Now tell me what's wrong?"

"You dragged me here just to ask me the same question?" He looks at you.

"Yep," you agreed. "Now tell me what's wrong?" You smiled. He didn't say anything.

"Fine, I will go first," you sighed.

"I'm not happy that you aren't telling me anything and I'm sad that you didn't kiss me at the pool," you tired not to be embarrassed.

"The reason I'm upset is stupid."

"No it's not," you disagree.

"Yes it is," he argued.

"Let me be the judge of that," you argued too.

"Okay," he sighed. "I'm disappointed in myself for not kissing you at the pool," he looks away.

"Why didn't you kiss me?" You were confused.

"Because I was nervous and I was worried that your first kiss might turn out bad because of me."

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