* T W E N T Y - F I R S T * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

"Swimming?" He lifted his eyebrow.

"Yeah, swimming. Did I say something else?" You said with a sassy attitude.


"Then it's settled. I'll be meeting you at my house in thirty minutes," you said as walked back inside the house to go out in your shoes.


You quickly rushed back home to prepare the rendezvous. You went in your room to find your cute bikini. You wanted to look as good as possible. You took off your sweat pants and oversized shirt and looked at the mirror. "Fuck, I'm bloated," you cried out. Since you didn't eat but drank water, your body reacted this way.

You didn't have enough time to deflate your stomach, so you just put on an oversized T-shirt and hoped for the best. You then, let your hair out of the hairstyle and brushed/ combed it out to make it look stable. You realised that you hadn't put on extra lotion today so your skin my feel or worse, it could look dry and scaly. You forced yourself to put as much Vaseline as possible to keep your skin hydrated in the water but to also make it look glowy.

You ran downstairs when you finished getting ready and went to the indoor pool section of your house. You had two pools on this property. The one inside is heated with good quality speakers.

You quickly ran through the water with the net to make sure everything is still clean. You then, switched on your The Weeknd playlist because, you wanted to set the mood with your favourite artist. I feel it coming first played which gave you the chills as you were so nervous.

The door bell rang. You lowered the music volume down and went to go open the door. "Hey," you smiled as you opened the door.

"Hey..." he greeted back.

"Are you already changed or do you need to go to the bathroom?" You let him enter your house.

"No, I'm already changed," he answered as you closed the door behind him.

"Okay then let's go," you said as locked the door. He took off his shoes and put on the your dad's new slippers that he hasn't touched. You knew how uncomfortable he would feel to wear your father's shoes.

You told him to follow and he obeyed. "You never told me you had an indoor pool,". He opened a conversation.

"Well, we weren't on good terms so, I didn't bother to tell you. Anyways, my parents wanted one because they love swimming and they don't want to wait a whole season to swim again," you guys were walking inside the hallway. You guys continued walking until you reached the end of the hallway, where the pool door is situated. You slid the door open and went inside. You turned around to look at Sakusa and he seemed very impressed by it.

"What do you think?" You sat on the floor, took off your slippers and put your feet in the water.

"I like how big the pool and the speakers, are they in the pull or are they hidden?" He put his bag onto the bench as he asked.

"They are hidden because, putting them underwater wouldn't sound as great as right now," you answered as you were gently kicking the water.

Sakusa got very quiet after your response and you thought maybe he was still busy changing. "Are done changing or what? I want to swim too," you complained.

"But you are wearing your t-shirt. Aren't you suppose to swim without it?"

"No, I like wearing it when swimming," you lied.

"Okay," he said as he was stepping closer to you from behind. You had failed to realise on time that he purposefully pushed you off the edge of the pool into the water. You could here him laughing while you were under the water.

"Not funny," you said once you went back up the water.

"What do you mean? That was enjoyable," he smiled.

"Jackass, at least help me back up," you sulked.

"No," he smirked.

"What do you mean no. I...JUST GOT HURT BECAUSE OF YOU SO YES YOU WILL HELP ME," you became agressive. He was laughing the whole time you were shouting at him.


"Okay, fine," he chuckled. You swam up to him and he reached out his arm to you.

You took advantage of his "kindness" as you grabbed his one with both your hands. You pushed your legs away from the edge of the pool and made him fall into the pool as well. You laughed so hard as you saw his reaction before he was going to fall in.

He got back up from the water and looked very grumpy with his eyebrows all scrunched up. You slowly stopped laughing as you saw that he was moving towards you in a slow motion and it felt very off putting. "What are you doing?" You said as you were moving backwards. He didn't answer but continued moving in the same motion. You moved back getting close to the deep end. He finally decided to make the move and went underwater to catch you. You already knew what he was doing so you dived right into the water and tried to out swim him. You felt a sort of thrill as you were swimming as you felt as if you were being chased by a shark. You could feel under your feet a hand that is trying to grab you. You immediately swam lower than him before he knew it and went the opposite direction.

You thought you had outsmarted Sakusa but, who would have thought he was right onto your plan. He felt the change of direction in the pool current wave so he turned around and swam even faster than before. He managed to catch your leg which gave you such a fright that you screamed. He then pulled you closer to grab your waist and hug from the back.

"Let go," you whined.

"Apologise," he was still grumpy.

"Not until you do you," you said trying to escape.

"Then I guess we're staying  this way for the whole night," he pitifully said.

"What if we did a little competition," you stopped kicking.

"What kind of competition?" He asked you.

"Marco polo?" You offered.

"Okay. Who is going to be the one blind folded? And what are we going to use as a blind fold?"

"You will be the who will have to catch me as you are the one who wants the apology. I'm not sure, I don't know what to use," you could feel his grip loosen a bit.

"We could use your shirt if you are up for it," he had a suggestion.

But is my stomach flat right now?
I don't know, but maybe he can't see it.
The water could maybe cause an illusion...maybe.

"Um...o-okay....sureee," you hesitantly agreed. He let go of you and you slowly took off your t-shirt. Once you took it off, you could see Sakusa blushing as he was looking at you. You smiled as he looked so cute.

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