* N I N E T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

"Okay, but like my boobs are low-key hurting right now. Can you not hug me too tight?" You awkwardly laughed. He did as you said and loosened up his grip.

You wanted to stay in this position forever. He was so warm and you could feel his back muscles as you touched him. "Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure," you agreed.

"How come you can hug Oikawa-kun? Are you no longer a germaphobe?"

"No, I'm still a germaphobe, don't worry. I made a deal with him a few months ago, saying that if he showers five times and makes sure to wash his hands at all times, I would allow him to be physical with me. Now every time I hug him, it's like the same feelings I felt for you," you laid your head on his shoulder and looked at his eyes.

"So he gets to hug you before I could? How is that fair," he poked your sides which made you jump.

"Boy, don't fucking touch me like that," you tried to keep a straight face as the poke is very ticklish. He didn't listen to you and started to poke you even more. You were laughing so hard as he increased the speed.

"Say that I'm yours and that I hug you better than he does," he ordered. You tried pulling his hands away from your waist but he refused to give in.

"I can't...breathe...pleaseehehehe," you could barely let out a sentence.

"Come on say it," he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"You...are a....hehehehe...better...hugger....hehehehe....than Kawa-kun." You gave in.

"Kawa-kun? So now he has a nickname?" He stopped poking you.

"Well yeah cause like, saying his name is like meh, you know," you lied.

"And saying Kiyoomi is completely fine?" He grew jealous.

"Well yeah, it's cute. But dammnnnn, didn't know you could get so jealous so quickly," you said as you went back onto his lap and put your arms back on his neck.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just asking questions?" He got flustered.

"Okay fine, what nickname can I give you....let's see...how about Saki?" You smiled.

"Why Saki though?" He didn't seem to like it.

"Because, I had already given you this name on my phone so now, I can call you by this name," you looked at him brightly.

"But I don't like it," he looked grumpy.

"Okie. Then Sakusa?"

"That's my real name though."

"Yeah no shit sherlock. I'm saying why not just call your by your first name because then, you won't be upset," you explained.

"That's fine too just as long as you don't call him by his name," he agreed with your decision.

"Jesus, you are the biggest jealous bitch I've ever met," you chuckled.

"Sorry you didn't get the memo babes, I'll be sure to send an email to you later on tonight," he smirked at you as his hands were gently placed near your lower back.

"Not you using my words against me," you giggled.

"Not you being surprised that I'm doing this." You scrunched up your nose as you were grinning by his comment.

You were both looking at each other with so much joy in your eyes. You bite your lips as looked at his soft lips. You both leaned in closer to the point that both your noses were touching each other. He started to smile as you shifted closer to him. You rose up from his lap to get a better angle of how you wanted to kiss him. You weren't sure of what you were doing but you felt that it was right to move like this.

"Cause I I I'm in the stars tonight, so watch me bring the fire, set the night alight" you heard your phone ringtone.

The moment was ruined. You quickly left his lap as it the atmosphere got awkward and grabbed your phone and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Y/N? ARE YOU OKAY?" You could hear Misaki panicking.

"I'm okay, sorry, I forgot to send you a message saying I'm okay," you reassured her.

"And how am I suppose to believe that after reading that text of yours?" She seemed convinced that you are lying.

"Ask me anything like I told you to and I will answer."

"Okay...what is something only I would know," she asked you.

"Um...you are fucking Tsumtsum," you saw Sakusa's eyes go wide open when he heard you say. You put your lip on your mouth to tell him to keep quiet about this secret.

"How did you know?" You could hear her being very shocked about this.

"Please, y'all were doing it behind the volleyball court. Too obvious," you laughed.

"Shit, well I guess you're fine. Haha, see you on Monday bye," she hung up before you could greet her goodbye.

"Damn," he commented.

"I know right like who would have thought?" You agreed with him. "Anyways you haven't told me about which university you got accepted to," you said skipping all the way back to the couch.

"I got accepted to Waseda University. I've been wanting to go to this university since I was fiftheen," he smiled as he told you the news.

"oh my fucking gosh, that is one of the best volleyball universities. Look at you go. What's great is that we won't be far from each other since I'm going to the University of Tokyo," you smiled with overjoy but he didn't seem to have the same emotion.

"You are going to the University of Tokyo?" He sounded sad when he asked you.

"Yeah I am, Why? What's wrong?" You stopped smiling and became nervous.

"What are you going to study?" He asked.

"I'm going to be studying medicine, why?" You answered.

"I figured. Apparently as I've been told is that, Waseda have crazy schedules when it comes to their sports, and I want to be focus without any distractions," he blantly tells you.

"Oh, okay..." you seemed turned off by his comment.

"I don't want to be a distraction to you either. Imagine failing a course because we decided to go on one date? You know that you would immediately hate me for it and that is the last thing I want," he tried to explain but you didn't to budge that you didn't like this conversation. You kept quiet. You held your hands and looked at the floor.

"What if we went out, when we both have free time? That couldn't hurt to try it like that," you quietly offered.

"Promise me, that you will always be focused on your career when we aren't going out?" He glared at you with his soft brown eyes.

"I promise, I will. Plus my mom would put a gun through my head, had I failed a course," you cracked a small smile.

"Speaking of your parents, where are they?" He asked looking around.

"It's their 19th anniversary this weekend, and I wanted them to celebrate it alone," you felt proud telling in him.

"So your parents will be gone the whole weekend?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?" You got a little nervous.

"I wanted to do something with you as I won't be able to hang out as much as I want," he sighed.

"Well in that case, I shall do the same," you grinned.

"You want to do something tomorrow then?" He asks you.


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