* E I G H T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

The whole lesson was very unusual to you to since many people were complimenting your technique and facial expressions.

The teacher did have a few critiques here and there but then again they were just minor suggestions which really boosted up your confidence.

The whole time that you were busy learning new choreography with the other girls, you had completely forgotten that you had no ride home.
"What am I gonna do?" You kept thinking to yourself as time passed.

Just before class ended, your teacher had offered you a position in their dance team. You without a doubt agreed to joining them. This was something you had dreamed of doing since you were a little child. You went back to your bag to take off your points. You stretched out your toes after the pressure of the point, slipped your sweatpants and shoes back on.

You hear a few people saying your name so you turn around to see who it was. "Yes?" You looked at the girl calling you.

"There's someone waiting for you outside," the one girl replied.

Wait, did mom come for me?
Ohhhhhh the way I will eat dinner today like there is no tomorrow

"Thank you for telling me," you smiled.

You grabbed your bags and off you went out of the studio after saluted the girls.

You were thrilled at the fact that your mom was picking you up that you were practically skipping down the hallway.

You arrive outside and searched for your mom's Porsche Cayenne.

You didn't see her so you decided to call her.

"Mom?" You called out.

"Yes sweetie, what's wrong?" She sounded worried.

"Where are you? I can't find you anywhere," you complained.

"I am in a conference right now that's going to start. Why would I be in the parking lot. Y/N where is your friend? I would like to speak to them," she said sounding serious.

You didn't know what to do so you hung up the call and ran back inside the school.

You sprinted back inside the studio to find the girl who you spoke to. Fortunately, she was still there.

"Um hey, do you know who was waiting for me?" You asked her.

"Well there was this guy who was wearing a mask and he wanted to see you for some reason. I don't know too much about it, but he said that you should meet him by his car," she explained.

"Ahhh okay, thank you for explaining. See you tomorrow," you waved at her and immediately ran back outside.

You looked around and saw his car, parked at the same place as before. You felt very nervous and didn't know how to react.

Should you be grateful or annoyed?

You took a deep breath and walked straight to the car. You opened the door and put on the seat belt.

He blankly stared at you.

"Can I ask why you changed your mind? Cause like, I've been stressing about this situation the whole day and you didn't decide to let me know," you irritatedly asked him.

"I just happened to change my mind, that's all," he kept his answer short.

"Fine, don't tell me. Can you quickly tell my mom that you will drop me off at home cause now she doesn't trust that I am going home with you?" You began to dial your mom's number.

He sighed which you took as yes.

"Hello? Y/N?" You hear your mom calling you.

"Yes mom, sorry my phone lost signal. Do you still want to talk about my friend?" You eye rolled at the word 'friend'.

"Actually, can you rather send me his number so I can chat to him instead. I feel like you already planned what he needs to say and I'm also in a meeting so don't call me again," she doubted you.

"Sorry, I will send to you later on tonight. ," you sighed touching your forehead. You greeted her goodbye and hung up the phone.

He started up the car and left the school parking lot.

"So how are you?" You pretended to care.

"I'm doing fine," he blandly responded.

"Can you do me another favour?" You battered your eyes.

"What is with you and favours?" He snapped at you.

"C'mon please? Please, please please?" You pouted.

"What is it first of all?"

"I was wondering if you could start driving me home every Tuesday to Thursday?" Your smile faded away as you were talking.

"No," he immediately answered.



"I can give you ten more bottles each week?" You suggested.

"I don't need anymore bottles. I'm not a very big fan of having to rely on disinfect-in," he rejects.

"Okay...what else do you want?"

"I don't want anything."

"If you were to choose something, had you said yes, what would it be?" He went quiet for a moment.

"He heavily sighed as he gave it thought. "I guess I would probably choose to for you to help me with math," he gave away his answer.

"Then why don't I help you with maths in the weekend," you offered yet again.

"Why would you agree to doing that though?" He confusingly asked.

Is he dumb or what? 😒

"Because I want you to drive me me home on Tuesdays and Thursdays," you made a face that expressed how confused you were of how dumb someone could be.

He didn't say anything after that.


~ T I M E S K I P ~

You arrived at your house just a little bit after six. There was a traffic jam along the highway which took a bit time to get through.

You didn't realise it but you were so exhausted from your first dance lesson in over three months that you fell asleep. Sakusa saw that you were asleep by the time you reached the traffic. He was kind enough to give you his extra jersey that he loves in his car in case of an emergency.

Out of no where, you felt a hand by your clavicle and shoulder. You didn't think much of it, but you were aware that it was there. You moved the hand away then turned away from them. He sighed and tried to look for your house keys. He searched in your bag and found it in the front pocket.

He gets out of the car and walks around to get to your door. He opens your door, unlocks your seat belt and takes you in bridal position with your bags to the front entrance. By the time you realised the position you were in, he was already entering house. You didn't want to scare him into dropping you so you continued to be asleep.

He places you down on the fat grey sofa by the window. He walks around to see if there are any blankets, but no luck. Given the circumstance, he took off his hoodie and calmly tries to put it on you without waking you up.

Once he successfully achieved his mission, he went back into the car to get a piece of and pen to write down his number so that you can text him more details about tutoring and school pick up arrangements.

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