* S I X T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

As you were turning always to wipe your face, Kiyoomi grabs your hand and pulls back towards. "Why didn't you tell me you liked me? I wouldn't have kissed her," he glared at you.

"Do you hear yourself right now? Just because I like you doesn't mean I was going to confess to you because, I know that you don't like me back and also, why should you stop kissing someone because of me. Do what you want, if you actually like me, you wouldn't have kissed her. You wouldn't need me to tell you not to kiss her," you grabbed his hand and forced him to let go yours. You continued walking to the kitchen to get a tissue. He proceeded to follow you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss her it's because I was just mad and I wasn't thinking straight," he tried catching up to you.

"Um, last time I checked you weren't drunk so, you clearly knew what you were doing. Admit it, you wanted to kiss her," you began to get louder. You grabbed the box of tissue and took out a tissue to wipe your dryish tears.

"So what if I wanted to kiss, what does that change?" He also stated to get louder.

"You just contradicted your own fucking words. "I wAsN't ThInKiNg StRaIgHt" such bull shit," you laughed to yourself. "Not to mention, I think it's time for you to humble yourself. You lost so, you weren't in the right mindset? Do you hear how that sounds like utter nonsense? This would never have happened had you not been way too arrogant. You may be part of one of the best volleyball in the country but that doesn't mean y'all won't face loses. Let this be a life lesson. Now go away," you popped off on him.

"How was I too arrogant? Also, I am human so I can feel human emotions. I can express human emotions unlike you apparently, cause when you lose, little miss perfect is perfectly and doesn't act arrogant. Oh wait, little miss perfect doesn't lose so she can't feel those emotions," he was acting foolish as he was talking to you.

"The fuck you on? You don't even know a little smidge of my competition life so why lie? Is it because you needed something to say because I left you speechless, awwwwww," you babied him as you walked closer to him. "But also, to answer your question about you being arrogant, it's quite obvious after we spoke to each other the day about you going to win against Karasuno. Usually when someone says they are going to win it's usually with determination and thought of putting effort into it, where as you said it with such ease and no sign of it being a motivation. If I'm not mistaken, you have never played against them but, you have seen them play. From what I've observed, you were overly confident on the win that you never had to begin with. The moment I saw the beginning of the first round, I knew they weren't playing to their maximum potential. You just have to admit that you were arrogant because you went against an "unknown" team which is wrong because, you basically judged them just by their hierarchy. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic." You didn't even care if you hurt his feelings.

He went super quiet and just glared at you with much agony in his eyes. "What? You look so sad, you want me to hold your hold?" You pouted at him like a puppy. "Or better yet, do you want to go to your blond girlie and kiss her because you were upset because you lost the argument and then claim that you didn't know what you were doing?" You devilishly smiled as you continued to torment him.

"You know you are such a bitch? How can someone be so fucking mean?" He looked at you.

"Ohhh...sorry, you didn't get the memo babes. I will be sure to send an email to you later on tonight," you playfully replied to him.

"I hope Misaki-chan knows what kind of person you are cause I'm sure if anyone knew how you were acting just now, no one would ever want to be near you. Thank God, I never liked you. Imagine dating an actual demon? What a nightmare but hey, it's okay. I'm sure people like you have a nice place in hell, where you can fall in love with one another and rot together," he scoffed and walked away from me. "Fat ugly ass looking germ," he mumbled loud enough for you to hear.


"Why are you so fixated on me kissing Rio-chan? Are you that in love with me? Man, you are that desperate. Who would have thought that a hand hold would make you think a guy likes you. You would have to be a certain level of desperate to think like that, you know that right?" He looked at you twitching up, getting ready to rage again.

"Just fucking leave my house," you said in a deep voice, looking down at your fluffy socks.

"No wait, why do I have to leave when just because I hurt your feelings? You hurt me first so least you could do is accept defeat."

"Just fucking leave my house. I don't ever want to see you ever again," you looked at him with so much tears in your eyes.

"Too bad babes, I sit next you in every class," he continued. You began walking closer to him.

"Just go away," you started pushing him backwards as hard you could. "You had your fun, now leave," you continued to push as you cried.

"Finally I'll leave, stop pushing with your weak arms," he turned around and left your house. You slammed the door, turned and leaned on the door to slowly slide down. You crawled up to your knees and cried your heart out. You have never felt so hurt in you entire life. You heard a door open in the house.

"Sweetie?" You could hear your mom calling from the kitchen garage door.

"Mom?" You whimpered as you called out her name. She saw you sitting on the floor. She walked as fast as she could and went directly down to her knees.

"What's wrong?" Mom said as she was touching your knees.

"Don't touch me!" You snapped at her. "I'm a dirty germ, why would you want touch me?" Those words that Kiyoomi said, kept replaying in your head.

"Because I'm your mother. I don't care if you are dirty," she went on to hug you tightly.

"But how come he called me a fat ugly ass looking germ?" Your tears kept rolling down your cheeks.

"Sweetie, listen to me, you are not a germ. You are clean, you live in a clean house with clean furniture. How could you possibly be dirty?" She repeated to me with a serious face. You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder. It was the first time, you felt comfortable and relaxed enough to let her touch you.

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