* T H I R T I E T H * * C H A P T E R *

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Narrator's POV

"So," you spoke after some time of silence.

"Yes," he responds in his deep voice.

"How long is short term for you? I want to prepare myself after today so I won't be too attached to you," you remained calm and collected.

"Well how long do you want it to be?"

"Please don't be like this, just tell me how long," you pleaded.

"If I'm being honest, I lied when I said that. I didn't know how to react to your words when I knew what you wanted to say. I regretted every moment of it. I want to stay with you for as long as possible. And you?" He softly smiled.

"Well, since I'm technically the girl of your dreams, I also want to stay with toy for as long as possible," you grinned.

"Wait, since when did I say girl of my dreams?" He was confused.

"Just now," you laughed.

"Unless I get you under the sheets, you are not the girl of my dreams yet," he smirked.

"Unless you put a ring on it, you are not going to tap this ass."

"Just wait for me then. I will be sure to put a beautiful ring on you, so that I can have you sit on me," your mouth dropped.

"I swear I will never get used to you talking dirty. It will never suit you," you sighed.

"That's a shame, since I do it all the time and it's now part of my personality," he sighed.

"Now why are you lying? I've only seen this attitude a few days ago. Don't lie to me," you argued.

"That is because I'm comfortable enough to talk like this. The last person to see this was "her" and my cousin and maybe Atsumu," he explained.

"Aww, so Atsumu is your BFF?" You babied him.

"No, he is an acquaintance," he lied.

"Yeah sure," you chuckled. He rolled his eyes which made you laugh even more.

"But, what about us being in different schools," you worried again.

"So what if we are in different schools, I will always be close to you and I know how you care about your grades, so I will always back down if you need your space. I want you to he a successful doctor and for that to happen, you need to study," he reassured you.

"I thought you wanted to focus volleyball."

"I do, but I can still have you by my side during those times. And who knows, maybe you might help me become the greatest player," he twirled you around. You laughed as he failed miserably.


After the song finished, you realised that you and Kiyoomi haven't taken pictures by the photographer. You wanted to remember this night forever. He gladly agreed as he saw your bubbly smile.

You walked towards the cue and luckily it wasn't big. "I never asked you but, do you like taking pictures?" He questioned.

"I mean, being photogenic and all, I love taking photos because I get to look back at what I used to look like," you smirked.

"My girlfriend is really cocky, huh," he put his arm around you.

"Yep," you leaned onto him.

The line shortened by the minute until it was finally your turn to go. The photographer showed a signal for you to move forward. He explained that you should do the cliché, pose you see in every prom movie as well as, two more poses of your choice.

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