Smoking sounded good right now, I thought I needed it. This could the last time I was going to have if Ariana decided to end my life when we got home.

I walked towards the said destination while she stayed on her spot still finishing her taco, only to be met by a lonely black pen. 

She's high high.

"You're high as fuck," I held the pen up to show what I was talking about. She burst out laughing before choking on her food causing her to cough.

I laughed loudly along with Kehlani and threw the pen at her hitting her on the forehead.

"I swear to god, you're becoming your girlfriend." She said at my violent behaviour.  She started walking to the living room with me following behind her.

"She's fucking worse, you have no idea." I shook her head.

"Uh– yes, i do." She nodded responding. She had witnessed Ariana being the crazy she was towards me and motherfucker said she had been terrified of her ever since.

I couldn't blame her.

I felt the fucking same.

I was bold enough to have the confidence to take risks and Kehlani was living it through me. Ariana was my girl, I knew she would never do such thing as physically hurting me so bad to the point I would have to be rushed to the hospital but....

I couldn't be so sure at the same time. Just kidding.

or was I?

I settled myself on her leather couch as she lied down with her legs hanging on the backrest.

A couple bottle of beers were on the glass centre table most of them were emptied, a plate of tacos next to them. A lit up blunt on the ashtray along with good amount of cannabis in her grinder and a pack of tobacco wrap in her rolling tray. Of course, a lighter and a bong.

"What the hell did you need me for?" I asked as I packed a fat blunt for myself. I positioned my index finger and thumb in such a way that I formed the wrap into a U-shaped trough. Grabbing a pinch of my ground-up marijuana and placed it inside the tobacco wrap, forming a line that ran the full length of the wrap.

I glanced at her when I didn't get a respond for a few seconds, she was simply staring at the ceiling. "I feel like I'm invisible." She said under her breath.

Perhaps she invited me over because she needed someone to let a little steam out. Maybe she was having a hard time at work, or maybe she was dealing with family drama. While I wasn't a good at giving advices, it didn't mean I couldn't lend an ear to her troubles or offer her a shoulder to cry on.

I was caught off guard when I heard those words coming from her lips. Knowing Kehlani, she had been doing just fine the last time I've seen her. She had probably been bottling up these emotions until she couldn't no longer handle them.

I looked at her with my brows pulling down together, "Who said that?" I asked under my breath putting my attention back to the blunt as I evening out the marijuana shaping the blunt into a cylinder before tucking the one edge underneath the opposite side of the wrap.

I could feel her gaze over me as I licked the inside of the wrap and pressed it down on top of the other edge of the wrap when it was moist. She then yelled out waving her hands and getting paranoid, "I'm over here!" making me startle a little.

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