♡︎ONE ♡︎ - House of secrets

Start from the beginning

"Right, come on. that's it!"
remarked Patricia when she finally got the correct settings on her phone. in a flash the two fell over resulting them to land on Fabian who'd finished reading his book and she clicked onto her camera button once getting an ideal photo of her three friends causing her to smile with amusement. "thank you for your service" she chuckled soon as it made a 'click' noise.

"Oh hey, Careful"
Fabian said once seeing that both girls somehow ended up tripping over his legs, he didn't think it was a double 'photoshoot'. he helped Joy up first followed by Rhianna."okay I never thought of you as someone clumsy" joked the raven haired boy after lifting them by using his now empty hands where his book had been couple minutes ago.

Rhianna stuck her tongue out at him once she sorted herself out, she brushed her grey trousers which had a few grass on them before putting on her extra hoodie (which wasn't allowed since it's against school rules yet wears it anyway even if Mr Sweet had told her in the past not to bring into lessons). Just simple moments like this were her favourites ; despite her having two friendship groups she doesn't consider herself as someone who's 'popular' . she is in fact quit shy but will try leaving her shell whenever she meets someone brand new which is hardly ever since her bubble is mainly her housemates she's knowing for a long time and feels more comfortable hanging out with everyone from her house.

"That's my new pro file picture!"
gushed Patricia when taking a glance at her photo album ."your in it too Rhi-Rhi , wasn't your brightest idea yet huh?" she cheekily added soon as she spotted the brunette about too put on her headphones yet paused once hearing those few words, few seconds later some shadow run towards her which caused her to shriek.

The Young Clarence practically rushed over where Patricia stood, she placed her hands on the redhead's shoulder." no you don't! "
she exclaimed whilst trying to reach for her phone." Remove it right now or I won't practice braiding your hair"she added through her mini chuckle just as they were both wrestling each other's hands not minding whatever was happening between their other friends who were also in their own little world.

"Aw I like it when you braid my hair!"
fake gasped Patricia whilst living her arm higher with the camera above her head. "sorry no can do I'm keeping it up forever" she remarked in a cheery voice tone , she tried to keep her laughter inside though it seemed like her brain controlled itself since few chuckles got let out." your not getting my phone" she said through their synced snickers.

Rhianna removed her hands from her shoulder's meaning she'd "given up" although she really hadn't. she became quiet as she thought of an plan , she circled around the redheaded girl knowing very well that she would follow her trial with her emerald green eyes which Young Clarence simply smirked at. She then stopped for one moment before running again and bumped into Patricia causing them to tumble over not paying any attention to Joy and Fabian that were discussing about Book covers having Robert Pattinson on it' or something like that she wasn't to sure since she is mainly focusing on the fact she didn't loose her cool like she did back home. They got up once their laughs died down, she went over too get her belongings . sooner or later those four eventually began making their way to a main building for French.

Just as they started walking from where they sat, a black taxi drove into the parking lot causing them all to grow confused. Why would someone be joining now? especially so late into year ten?  neither of them took much notice so they continued having another group conversation not aware someone rushed past accidentally colliding into Patricia. "I'm so sorry" apologised this unknown girl with an American accent, however during that mini situation each student took one glance at her until she ran off leaving them extremely dazzled." Who's the American?" no one knew yet carried on with their short travel.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now