𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐏𝐭. 𝟏

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I finally made it back to my aunt's house. Yeah, I'm living with my aunt. My parents died a few years ago.

And honestly, they can go rot in fucking hell for what they did to me.

"Auntie I'm home!!"

"Hey star! How was your first day?"

Her voice sounded distant. She must be upstairs. I went upstairs into her room. She was sitting painting her nails.

"Surprisingly not the worst day of my fucking life"

"I see. See any hot boys?"

I groaned.


She laughed.

"You know I'm kidding"

I pouted.

"I don't like when you joke like that"

"Well I'm gonna be saying that for a long time..."

She closed the nail polish and put it in her dresser and kisses me on the cheek.

"So get used to it sweetie"

She walked off into her closet.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, went into my room and closed my door.

I love my aunt, but sometimes she's too much. But all we have is each other and we gotta make the best of it.

I sighed and layed down on my pillow and picked up my phone.

Auntie knocked on my door.

"Come in!"

She peeked her head in.

"I'm about to leave so I'll be back tomorrow. You know the rules"

"Yeah yeah, I got it. Love you. Be safe"

I kissed her on her cheek and she kissed my mine.

"Love you too."

She closed the door and went downstairs.


I scrunched my face up.


She laughed and left out the door.

I got up off my bed, walked to my window and watched her pull out if the driveway and leave.

Now what to do?

I don't have any homework thank god.

I guess I'll just go out and skateboard for a while.

I grabbed my phone off the charger, my headphones and skateboard from under my bed and went downstairs. *Skateboard up top*

My stomach started growling. Maybe I should eat something first. I guess I'll eat some Mac-n-cheese. Bruh, that shit was so good last night. Like I ate seconds, and I NEVER eat seconds. NEVER.

I grabbed me a plate and warmed some up.


I'm just riding my board through the neighborhood. I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand.

I'm listening to Blood On My Jeans by Juice. Honestly, that's like the best fucking song to skate to. I pass by a house that doesn't look familiar.

When did that get there?

It's big. Like a mansion type thing. Goddamn! These people must be rich!

I start skating again. Then someone walks out and catches my attention. Why does he look familiar..?

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ Where stories live. Discover now