"What's going on? What happened?" Tenn asked, her voice devoid of that hostility she usually used on him because she was talking to Red.

"Let's say that Lena is not happy with the planet assigned to our daughter and she's pissed that we can't do anything about it without compromising her future."

"Where was she assigned to?" Purple made a signal to Red not to respond and quickly sent Tenn a PAK-mail. 

"She was assigned to Sobr." Tenn's expression became grim. Yup, she got the message.

It didn't take long to receive a reply. "Why did you have to tell me through PAKmail? Couldn't you have just told me?" Purple rolled his eyes. Speaking of ingratitude. 

"I'm saving your beautiful ass. In case you haven't noticed, Lena is not precisely in a good mood today and mentioning the cause right in front of her is plain stupid."

"Are you two coming or what?" Lena's voice echoed from within the cruiser. She definitely didn't sound happy.

The flight to the Massive was, unsurprisingly, short. It helped that the ship was already in the atmosphere, ready to depart as soon as the Tallest were on board, much like the rest of the Armada. Purple had to say, he felt quite nostalgic once they got off the cruiser and back unto the familiar hangar, soldiers waiting in line and saluting. He didn't know if it was because he had actually missed blowing entire worlds up, or the snacking taking part while that happened. 

Purple wished he could go straight to his chambers and catch up with Tenn on the comfortable mattress, but sadly he and Red had the obligation to go to the bridge to make sure everything was working, give orders to depart and eat something. He was hungry.

"You!" Red pointed to a random soldier and beckoned him to get closer. "Escort my wife and Lady Tenn to our sleeping quarters!" The guard saluted and stood there expectantly. 

Lena said nothing as she went to stand just behind him, but Purple grabbed Tenn by the shoulder before she could follow suit. 

"Aren't you giving me a kiss, sweetheart?" Tenn looked like she wanted to strangle him, but she quietly lifted her lekku for him to touch with his own. Sweet Irk, how he loved the sensation! "I'll see you at dinner, my dear!" he waved amiably at Tenn as she followed Lena and the escort away into the many corridors.

"Really? That's the best you can think of? 'See you at dinner, my dear'?"

"We're not going to see them for the rest of the day. Any better ideas?"

"It's hard in your case, considering your 'wife' will actually enjoy the time she's away from you."

"Hey! You're the one to talk when Lena doesn't want to see your picture either!"

"Um, My Tallest..." Both Irkens glared down at the technician who dared interrupt their argument. "Sorry to interrupt you, sirs, b-but... We're ready to depart, just waiting for you."

Purple exchanged a glance with Red. Both nodded and headed towards the bridge.


Tenn never imagined she'd ever be inside the Tallest's personal quarters. They almost looked like the mini-portable version of the Tallest Tower. Wide and luxurious bedchambers, bathroom, lounge with giant screen, and a snack bar. She was almost excited to be there until she took notice of something: there were only two bedrooms, each with king-sized beds meant for two people. 

Her squeedly-spooch dropped when she realized what this implied. It's almost as if the universe had a sort of conspiracy to make her life as miserable as possible! Or maybe it was the thing called karma Zim once talked about. It's an earthen cause-effect spiritual concept in which the intent and action of an individual influence the future. In other words, what happens to someone is a consequence of a certain action in their past. Was this 'karma' for what she did to the Meekrob? Tenn shook her head. What a stupid thought. Such a thing did not exist. 

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