The End of her Life...

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By the time they arrived at the Control Brains' central, a big fortress standing out from the other buildings by its... colder and less round architecture, Tenn could feel her squeedly spooch squirming, sending uncomfortable shivers down her spine. Tenn quickly ejected a small napkin from her PAK and dabbed the sweat gathering on her forehead. She couldn't have any sort of 'imperfection' as long as she was in the public eye.

Tenn had never been fond of cameras, not even in her days as an Invader where she would be on the literal spotlight after conquering a planet and firing the first cannon sweep. So naturally, she felt overwhelmed when she was met by dozens of said devices, all floating and swarming around her, trying to get a clear shot. Swarms of Irkens were gathered on the edges of the red carpet leading up to the doors. Most were of standard height. She glimpsed a few males who were literally drooling, captivated by how stunning she looked. For once, she was glad to be escorted. The guards shoved any shortie who got too close, pushed the cameras away with their spears and even kicked one of the drooling males for having fantasies with her.

Tenn forced herself to wear a stoic, dignified face as she elegantly strode through the carpet, not sparing any of the citizens a glance. They were all below her, both socially and literally. As a former Invader, she had to make an example. Because of her former status, precisely, this whole situation was completely uncomfortable and stressing to her. She was a soldier, member of the Irken Elite Corps, toughened by years of combat and ruthless training. And out of the blue she was put in an itchy dress with limited leg movement and shoes that slightly enhanced her height artificially. How humiliating! No wonder nobody likes to wear this type of clothing. But Tenn put up with it with dignity. It would take more than a girly dress to break her. She'd put up with this with her head held up high.

Her self-confidence faded the closer they were to their destination, especially after the doors closed shut behind her. Just like the outside, the interior was dark and ominous. Tenn and her escort passed by one or two groups of technicians and scientists, all the best in their areas. None of them paid them any mind. After taking an elevator to the higher levels of the building, they stepped out into the end of the trip.

The Control Brain chamber.

The uncertainty turned into fear when they entered the room. Tenn's eyes briefly scanned the room, looking for the cause. There he was, clad in a different type of armor for this occasion. This one was elegant-looking with spiral patterns, silk sleeves, and a long flowing cape, all in different shades of purple.

"About time, you were taking too long. I've been waiting for an eternity." He frowned at the guards. Tenn was momentarily relieved he had not yet set his sights on her. Both guards went into a quick, nervous salute accompanied by the lekku wiggle.

"It's only been five minutes, Purple." The new voice was coming from Tallest Red, who stood to one side with a soft drink in his hold. Much like Tallest Purple, he was wearing a regal armor with a long cape, except his came in shades of crimson. Tenn noticed an Irkenette clad in a more feminine version of his armor-minus the cape- in shades of aqua green, was grabbing onto his arm. "You're exaggerating."

Purple's eyes finally set on her. The fear intensified tenfold. Those violet orbs were reeking with lust, the same lust that she had seen that night. 

"Well, my dear Tenn, now that you're here, shall we begin?" He held out a hand to her with a 'tender' smile. With no other choice, she extended out her trembling arm to accept it and stand side-by-side with him. 

It was cold. Another shiver was sent down her spine, this one of plain disgust.

A few years ago, back on her first assignment to Meekrob, she would have barely reached half his knees with the tip of her lekku. Today, however, her head almost reached up to his chest. Out of all of the Invaders of her generation, she had turned out to be the tallest, though evidently, Tallest Red's wife had more in that department; unlike her, the irkenette was only about ten inches shorter than Red.

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