"Yeah," I reply, taking off my dress and dropping my towel on the chair next to El's.

El heads to the stairs that lead into the pool, and I follow, our feet echoing as they hit the stone.

The pool water is lukewarm, the perfect temperature. When pool water is even a little cold I get too cold fast, so this is perfect.

The water rises to my chest as I walk deeper, and when I step up to the drop off into the deep end I push off, my hands together in front of me before spreading out to push myself forward. The water sloshes around me, cool but warm. A content feeling fills me as I let myself drop a little to search for the bottom with my toes. I feel nothing, so I pump my arms to lift myself back up.

It's been a while since I've been swimming, and it feels nice. It reminds me of short little trips with my mom to tiny hotels with pools.

Elanil starts to swim around, and my muscles, which usually would be tired for treading water for so long, feel fine. I smile a little and take in a big breath, close my eyes, then let myself sink, pushing my arms up to push my body down deeper.

Water fills my ears, wrapping around my limbs as I move them to keep myself down, where my feet finally touch bottom. I let some air out of my lungs until I can stand on the bottom without the aid of my arms, feeling the bubbles tickle my cheeks as they float up. My hair moves freely around me, slowly drifting every way, defying gravity, brushing my cheeks and arms.

I've always loved just floating underwater like this. It's so quiet. Even if it's raging noise above, once I sink under the surface, eyes closed, feeling the smooth water around me, I hear nothing. My senses are muffled by the water and I feel so alone, in the best way.

El and I swim around and talk for a bit, and I have to admit, letting go of my problems for once is nice, to just forget for a bit. And, of course, it's nice to have fun. And swim. Swimming is cool. Fun. Whatever, because I'm in a great mood right now. For the first time in foreveeerrrr...

(Did you get that reference? Throwback to when I watched Frozen about 100 times when it came out.)

I doubt Elanil will know what Frozen is.


Water flows down my face as I resurface, wiping my hands over my eyes to clear them. It's been about a half hour of swimming, and I still feel energetic enough to keep going.

"Someone's coming," El says from her spot in the deep end. "Listen."

I tilt my head and listen around the splashes of water from the hot tub, and pick up faint voices. I shrug.

A minute later, I find that they aren't just anyone. Of course, it's Knox, Flint, and Halion that come striding into my vision. Flint and Hal are chatting, and Knox is talking to an elven girl behind them, who brakes off from the group with a wave to all of them, walking out of my view as the boys come into the pool room. I hold my breath for a second, then let it out, shaking my head. Who is that girl? I don't care. She was pretty. Don't care, it's probably just his friend, or girlfriend, or whatever, doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Why do I care so much?


I guess boy elves have the same swim dress code as Earth, because they are all wearing only long, plain colored swim shorts. That's it. I try not to stare, but... Okay, can you blame me?! Hal, Knox, and Flint are literally all perfect. I can see noticeable lines of six packs on their stomachs, and they all have definite muscle definition on their arms and backs. The only difference is size. Flint is a bit broader, Hal a bit skinnier, and Knox just in the middle. Lean, but also athletic and strong. Not quite as skinny as me. Although, I have gained some good muscles over the course of training. Also, why does his skin look so soft?

✧The Earthe of the Elves✧Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang