DabiHawks- Drunk

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3 r d P O  V

Dabi was peacefully lying on the couch on his phone awaiting his boyfriend's arrival. Hawks had gone to a hero event that he was invited to since he was sitting at the rank of #2 hero. The male covered in burn scars was beginning to worry, 'he was supposed to be back by midnight.' He glanced down at his phone seeing that the time had just struck 2am.

Suddenly someone was at the front door. The handle was shaking as dabi slowly got up into a fighting stance about to burn whoever was at his door to a crisp. He crept closer and closer to the door ready to open the apartment door when it slammed open hitting him in the face. A face peeked into the apartment smiling sluggishly at the shocked male.

"HAWKS! WTF" dabi screamed at the blonde standing back up on his feet. Hawks made his way over to his boyfriend a clear stench of alcohol emitting form his breath. 'oh god... hes high off his ass.' "hEy BABe!" hawks exclaimed a little to loud for the ravens hairs liking. Dabi put a finger on his lips, "Quiet down a little." He put a hand on the blondes shoulder trying to coach him to the safety of the couch. "Go to sleep babe" "bUT I DON waNNaaaa" The guy with wings whined struggling against his boyfriend. Almost immediately said that he was pushed down on the couch by the brute force of Dabi. "Cmon if you go to sleep now ill give you chicken nuggies tomorrow"

The moment those words were out of his mouth, Hawks rolled over and started fake snoring. Chuckling dabi whispered into his ear, "Sweetheart, I know your not asleep." The blonde rolled back over shock in his golden eyes, "HOW? I hID it PERFectLY!" He yelled startling the man before him. Dabi then started laughing again but this time louder than before, "Hunny, admit it. your acting skills are horrible but funny" Replying to dabi in a astonished voice Hawks said,  "ReaLLy?!" 

All of the sudden hawks met dabis eyes with a serious look - well serious as it could be when hes drunk- and began to question the raven haired male. "Would you still love me if i was a worm?"  Dabi thought for a minute both his face and mind blank at attempting to understand what his boyfriend had said moments before. "Come again?" "Would you still love me if i was a worm?" Hawks replied as if it made perfect sense. Having finally thought of a response dabi looked at hawks dead in the eye and said, "you're high as shit but yes I would, tf" "Now off to bed. If you complain about having a hangover tomorrow im not helping you." "NIgHt niGhT"


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