Chapter 1: I think he'll shoot you

Start from the beginning

With no time to overthink this you ran towards the way the gunshot were coming from and hid behind the corner to figure out what to do. As you looked, you saw two guys wearing black hoods with holes for their eyes and with two small guns in their hands. You didn't have to read their minds to understand that they clearly scared and didn't really know what they were doing. It seemed as if they were being controlled by someone else and they were trying to get away from something. But from what? Well that didn't matter at the moment, the situation was quite simple.


Who sees two guys in hoods, holding guns and threatening people and thinks this is simple? It was probably at this moment that you realised that your life was not going to be as simple as you wanted. But then again, what did you expect? You had gone to live in New York, the home of the Avengers and most of world's most wanted criminals, of course life was not going to be simple. Maybe New York, wasn't such a good idea after all, considering the fact that you were trying not to use your powers as much as possible. But that was a story for another time.

After making a what at the moment seemed to you like a questionably good plan, you ran fast towards the criminals who were currently pointing their guns at random people, one of them shaking and looking like they were waiting for something or maybe someone? Great, that meant you had to move faster. You obviously decided t got for the most scared guy and once you were close to him the guy pointed his shaking gun at you and started yelling you not to move, but you kept walking towards him, steady and slowly. You knew he wasn't going to shoot you, he was too scared to do so, you could now hear his thoughts so loud, it was like he was speaking directly into your mind, and his fear, you felt that too, for a moment you felt sorry for him.

You kept walking towards the man until you were about 4 feet away from him. He was now taking vey quick breaths, probably in an attempt to calm himself down but it wasn't quite helpful. The other guy had his back turned to you and his friend and was pointing his gun at some scared passengers and was shooting every now and then in the air, just for the suspense. He seemed lees scared and anxious than the guy your were facing but his mind kept saying otherwise.

"Get away! I'll shoot!" The tall guy yelled at you but you stayed calm with your hands now on the air.

You tried to focus of your breathing, just like you had practiced and tried getting inti his head, trying to find his fears and aim at them. It honestly wasn't very hard to do so, he was practically an open book to you, easy to manipulate. Other people around you kept yelling and hiding anywhere they could and it was a little distracting but with some more steady breathing you managed to focus only on your guys head and you hoped your powers would work, and thankfully they did, you were properly into his head. You opened your eyes and faced the terrified guy again.

"I said get away!" There was bomb! Dangerously close. For a second you panic but then manage to regain your calm quickly and focus on the guy's mind again.

"You won't shoot me, but I think your friend will shoot you." You were talking calmly and in a medium volume.

"What?" His eyes met yours and they were full of confusion but you could see your trick was working on him very well so you continued on.

"Yes, he will, don't trust him." You smiled.

The guy suddenly turned around and pointed the gun at his friend who turned to face him trying to talking him out of it. It was obviously pointless bit you were amused to see him try. Your little trick had worked so great, the guy was like he had no mind of his own anymore. You were of course quite proud of yourself but also once again so scared of what you can do. It always scared you seeing your powers in action, but then again this is who you are.

As you were about to continue with your little trick Iron Man suddenly only a feet or two in front of you. Amazing, but also you had to go, you were done here. You quickly ran and hid in your corner praying for him not to have seeing you and as it seemed he hadn't. He did look quite confused though on what was going on, seeing the one criminal pointing his gun at the other. He tried to approach and find out what happened but was pointless to even try.

"She told me...He'll shoot me!" The guy pointed at where you had been before and Iron Man asked him what the hell was he doing since you were already out of sight. After some more moments of confusion he eventually finished the job by catching and disarming the criminals properly, but the bomb was still there. You had to warn him somehow. Thankfully you were close enough to be able to get into his head.

'There's a bomb nearby!' You spoke to him in his head.

"Who's that?" He span around in confusion but obviously saw no one.

He didn't have time to process what had just happen, someone had told him there was a bomb near him and he had to check it out. With the help of JARVIS, of course, he found the bomb, thankfully in time and disarmed it quickly. He left the criminals for the police to handle and after taking one more concerned look around he flew away in an instant. The terrified screams from the people around you quickly faded away and turned into cheers for the one and only Tony Stark.

How exciting his job must be, but at the same time so scary. Dealing with all kinds of criminal in a daily bases and being a famous, rich man must be quite stressful and exhausting. You would give everything to live just one day like the Avengers, but then again simple life was just as good.

After a minute of daydreaming and zoning out you snap back into reality and realise that you had to find your classmates before they started to think you were kidnapped or shot in the head by someone. You quickly ran to where they had gone to hide earlier and saw them getting out of behind the car and looking at to in terror.

"Where the hell have you been?" Kate, a girl form the group yelled at you. Thank God they hadn't seen what you had done.

"Y/n, you can't just run around when there's a shootings happening." Another guy from the group said.

"Yes, yes I know. I just wanted to take a closer look." You took your camera out of your bag and showed it to them.

"If you have to risk your life for that stupid job you better leave it."

"No, I'm fine. I anyway didn't manage to get close enough." You got some disproving looks and a few headshakes but other than that yo didn't talk about the incident anymore.

The subject of your conversation quickly changed and you just return back to another normal conversation, like nothing had happened. That's what you admire most about New Yorkers; the fact that they were so used to public shootings and guys flying around in iron suits that after some time they are not even surprised or shocked these short of things happen. It was indeed kind of amusing.

After that you went home, returning to your everyday routine, still thinking about what had happened today.

You had helped a superhero today.

In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now