9 - Reunited

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Do you guys still read this crap? Lol

Adrien's POV

In the morning, the yacht came back to Paris. The party lasted all night, and the entire time I couldn't take my eyes off of Marinette. At some point, I had to physically stay away from her.

I've been dating Kagami for 3 years now. Our relationship is healthy, happy and I love her with all my heart. For 3 years I've only looked at her.

This is so unfair to Kagami. Why is my brain hardwired to be attracted to Marinette? Why don't I want to look at Kagami anymore?

This is a rhetorical question; It's because I can't have Marinette, and I do have Kagami. I'm a chaser, a hunter, a seducer. Always have been, always will be.

At some point, everyone heard the phrase "Guys want girls they can't have". I thought that it only applied to sex-craved teenagers. But now, I wonder if I'll always be this way. Is it possible for me to just settle down with one woman?

Right now, I'm in the limo with Chloe on our way back to the mansion. Kagami isn't there because she has some business to take care of. Maybe I should talk to Chloe about my concerns...

She beat me to it, "Adrien, Marinette told me what happened on the boat."

"What?!" I yelled in disbelief. "She told you we kissed?"

Chloe stiffened on her seat. "You guys kissed?! She told me you had a friendly talk! I was about to say that it was mature of you two!"

I'm such an idiot.

"Well, now that it's out," I began, "I tried to be a good guy. I just... couldn't help myself. Maybe I'll never be loyal. Maybe I'm that much of a jerk." I said, defeated.

She pinched her forehead and sighed. "Adrien, you've been loyal to Kagami for years now. You are capable of being loyal. You kissed Mari because there's obviously some unfinished business between you two..."

I opened my mouth to retort, then closed it. Chloe is right. The reason why I can't stop thinking about Marinette is because she was a chapter of my life that ended so abruptly. I can still remember the happy days, the long nights, the love I felt for her, the tears I've cried over her...

But it's all over now, and even if it's been years since I held her in my arms, I can't help but crack a smile at the memories of what we used to be.

God, we were so young, naive and hopeless back then...

"Will you come say hi to Alya? Mari, Nino and I are picking her up in a few hours. We could grab lunch and then head to the airport together?" Chloe proposed after a few moments of silence.

"Sure, why not..." I replied absentmindedly. Nino will be so happy to see Alya again. They've been in a long distance relationship for years now, but their love is still as strong as ever. They are definitely my otp.


Marinette's POV

Chloe, Nino, Adrien and I grabbed a quick lunch at a café and then headed straight to the airport. Nino is so adorable, he keeps talking about how much he missed Alya and how excited he was to be finally reunited with her. Seeing him and Adrien interact reminded me of high school and the times we spent together as friends. Their bromance is still intact.

Adrien and I didn't talk much, but the silence between us was comfortable. We are living our own separate lives, which is something that I accept.

I couldn't wait to see Alya and spend time together in Paris. Even when we lived together in New York, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, we couldn't help but feel nostalgic for all the childhood memories we share here.

At the airport, I observed the people coming, going, running, reuniting with loved ones... This place is always so busy. Nino kept fidgeting; he was nervous and excited to see his Alya again.

After a few minutes of waiting, I spotted my auburn-haired friend at the distance. She nearly bolted once she saw Nino, and so did he. They ran towards each other and hugged as if their lives depended on it. It was a heartwarming sight, and I couldn't help but crack a smile. Happiness looked so good on them.

Then, I realized that Alya didn't come alone.


Please vote if you like this story, as you can tell I've been inactive for a few months now and I need motivation to update huhuh.

God I have so many ideas for what's next. You're in for a rough ride.


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