(???:And heres the float with the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of Our Lives .)

  Cassius's eyes become large and he stands up.

Cassius:Oh my God!.

Chandler:Aren't you one of the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of Our Lives?.

Cassius:Yeah!.I totally forgot I'm supposed to be there.I can't believe I forgot.I usually write stuff like this on my arm.

   Chandler grabs Cassius's left arm and pushes the sleeve up and Cassius looks.

Cassius:Oh.Stupid long sleeves.

Tabitha:What are you going to do?.

Cassius:I guess I'm going to have to come up with a really good reason why I wasn't there.The producers are going to be so mad at me.They sat us all down yesterday and said Everyone has to be there at 6 am sharp.that means you Cas.Like,like I was some kind of idiot.

Chandler:"Sarcastically".Well you proved them wrong.


   Chandler nods and his eyes get big...Later on Me and Joey get back from picking Nonnie up at the airport and bringing her to his parents house.We see Ross and Rachel with a blonde haired woman outside of Monica and Chandler's.

Tabitha:Hey guys.

Rachel:Hey Tabitha,Joey,Eliana and uh baby Ricky this is my sister Amy.

Amy:Oh my god your on Days of our lives!.


Amy:You married him?.

Tabitha:"Grins".Yeah I did.And we have two kids.

   Rachel opens Chandler and Monica's apartment door.



Rachel:Hey you guys this is my sister Amy.  This is Chandler,Cassius,Phoebe and you know Mon.


Amy:Oh my god.You're on Days of Our Lives too!.


Amy:Wow.They must put a lot of makeup on you.

Cassius looks rejected.

Cassius:H-Hap-Happy Thanksgiving.

   Cassius turns away and Chandler pats him on the back.

Ross:"To Monica".Hi.

Monica:"To Ross".Hi.

They hug and kiss on check.

Monica:"To Emma".Hey you."To Amy".So. Welcome.Is this your first time you're seeing Emma?.

Amy looks confused.

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