•Don't Kill Me•

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I sat atop the building across from Anko's apartment complex, my heart fluttering nervously. I had already sensed her chakra signature inside the building. It was easily recognizable alongside the others in the building disregarding the minor changes since we last saw each other.

Despite her being the main reason I ended my mission so quickly, I couldn't gather the courage to go over and knock on her door. All that Inuzuka bravery seemed to escape me faster than I escaped the base of that criminal organization after I murdered them all.

I sat there for I don't know how long just imagining every single scenario where things could go wrong. From Anko not forgiving me to her ripping my organs out one by one.

"As amusing as this is, you might want to hurry up before I go get her myself."

I jumped, turning around to face the masked ninja standing beside me. His eyes were glued to his book, but even then I could tell he was completely serious. I frowned.

"But I screwed up. Big time. What if she doesn't forgive me?" I asked, staring down at my feet as the dangled over the side of the building.

"You sure did screw up," he agreed, causing me to deadpan. "But just know that whatever reaction she gives you, you earned and deserve."

I sighed, knowing full well that he was right.

"Since when did you become so wise?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He glanced over at me.

"You would know if you have been here the past five years."

Ouch. Deserved that one too.





After a few more seconds of silence, I remembered Kakashi's threat. Sighing for the umpteenth time since I've been back, I stood up. I was ready.

"I'm gonna do it," I finally said. When I didn't receive a response, I glanced to my left only to see a pile of leaves on the rooftop.

Shaking my head, I jumped down from the roof of the building. My eyes were fixed on Anko's door, the oak slightly foreboding. Despite my apprehensiveness, I walked pretty quickly over to her door. Maybe I was more excited to SEE her than scared to FACE her.

Ever hesitant, I raised my fist and knocked gently on the wooden door, having taken my gauntlets off a little while ago. I stood there patiently, quickly thinking about what I would say to her.

I'm sorry for leaving out of nowhere for five years with no communication at all. I'll make it up to y-

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of the lock clicking. My heartbeat sped up as I began to panic, and a light sheen of sweat formed on my forehead. Time slowed as I watched the doorknob jiggle slightly before twisting. With every breath I took, my mind was telling me to turn around and run as fast as I could.

Before I could even act upon my thoughts, the door swung open. I froze as my eyes fell upon the purple haired beauty I grew to love. Her hairstyle and outfit remained the same, but her aura and appearance gave off a deeper sense of maturity. My jaw dropped as I struggled to form a simple sentence.

She looked confused at first, but then the expression shifted to recognition, then sadness, then anger. Especially the last two. Guilt flooded me with the strength of a tsunami as I practically watched the emotions change in her eyes.

"H....Hiro?" She asked, her voice coming out as a mere whisper. I quickly looked down at my feet, no longer able to look her in the eyes.

"Yeah," I answered, my voice just as soft. "Listen. I'm sor-"

The door slammed shut in my face, cutting me off mid-sentence. The wave of guilt and sadness that overcame me nearly sent me crashing to my knees. Tears welled in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall because I wasn't the one that should be crying right now. Only Anko had the right to in that situation, for I was the one that caused all of it to happen.

I cursed myself to no end, moving to turn around and walk away. I was too consumed by my guilt to hear the door open yet again until I was yanked back roughly by the back of my cloak.

I made quick work of suppressing the memory triggered by the action before tuning back in to reality. I was pulled backwards into her apartment, the door closing in front of me. The purple-haired kunoichi whipped me around then pushed me back roughly against the wall next to her door.

Before I could say anything, a loud resounding smack sounded as my head snapped to the side. My cheek stung like fire in the shape of a hand against my skin. Wincing, I didn't even try to sooth the wound since I deserved every jolt of lingering pain I felt.

I turned my head back to face her, my eyes meeting her tear-filled ones. Once again, my head snapped to the side as a sudden sharp pain sparked on my cheek. I'm pretty sure I had a red hand print on both sides of my face.

Before I could even recover from the throbbing pain on my cheeks, Anko's fist buried itself right where my stomach was. My eyes bulged as I doubled over in pain, my forehead landing on her shoulder. I bit down on my lip to prevent any noise from escaping, my eyes clenched shut.

I braced myself for another strike and was surprised to find that it didn't come. I felt her body shake slightly, a sniffle following soon after.

She's crying. I made her cry.

I panicked slightly as I rushed to pull her into a hug all the while cursing myself into the ground mentally. I wrapped my arms around her, my cloak falling over her shoulders. Rocking us back and forth slightly, I spewed as many apologies and comforting phrases as I could think of.

"I'm sorry. Let it all out. Hit me again if you need to. I deserve it, every single one," I admitted, rubbing her back soothingly.

She sniffed once, then again before speaking through her tears. "I fucking hate you."

I nodded, accepting it even though it hurt to hear it.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Just please, stop crying. I'll do anything," I offered, pulling away to stare into her eyes. Her eyes softened.

"Anything?" She whispered quietly. I nodded, not knowing what I was getting myself into.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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