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I shook my head in an attempt to rid mind of the memory I tried so hard to suppress.

I had spiraled out of control after that night; mentally and physically. I trained until I passed out. Went on mission after mission on, at most, three hours of sleep. I joined the ANBU forces, and earned the nickname "Blood Wolf."

While the title was pretty cool, I was ashamed. Mostly because in the few months after Akako's death, I pushed away my friends when all they were trying to do was help. The time I would normally spend bullying Kakashi, I spent training. The time I would spend holding Anko, talking for hours on end about anything and everything, I spent away on missions. I made terrible decisions, ones Akako would whimper disapprovingly at.

One of the worst decisions I had ever made had only just came to an end a few days ago. A five year mission, outside of the village. My task was to infiltrate an expanding criminal organization, join their ranks, and learn as much as I could before wiping them out. S-rank. I accepted the mission without thinking, and I left without saying goodbye.

I grimaced as I hopped through the dense forest, thinking about how everyone would react once I returned. Anko, Tsume, Kurenai, and Kiba would probably whoop my ass. Kakashi, Asuma, and Shikaku would most definitely be disappointed. I wasn't too sure about Guy, but for some reason I wasn't looking forward to it.

I could make out the shape of the village walls through the leaves. The sight filled me with both nostalgia and anxiety. I almost turned back around and bolted, but flashes of a certain purple haired kunoichi filled my mind.


I sighed, nevertheless keeping her face on my mind as I raced toward the gates.


After showing Izumo and Kotetsu my ninja ID, they let me into the village.

It looked so lively compared to the base of the organization I was stuck with for five years. The random pops of color that would catch my eye as I looked around made me feel like a tourist in my own home. The aromas of various restaurants and stalls in the shopping district made their way to my nose, making me inhale deeply. I sighed in content before continuing on my way to the Hokage building.

Not wanting to be recognized just yet, I kept to the rooftops or the shadows. Moving overhead kept me hidden from the people on the streets while also giving me a fairly decent view of the village. I could make out the Inuzuka clan compound, where I grew up, and the Academy where Anko and I first met. The thought made me smile warmly.

Once I finally made it to the large orange building near the back of the village, I quickly began to scale the side of it. I raced up the side of building to the opened window near the top. Swinging myself forward, I front-flipped through the opening, landing in a crouch atop the wooden floor.

If I didn't have years of experience as a kunoichi as well as a temporary ANBU member, I wouldn't have been prepared for the Third's guards to surround me. Instantly, the ANBU hidden in the shadows and corners of the room were around me, weapons drawn and pointed at my vital spots.

My reaction time was on par with theirs. As soon as I felt them move, I had shifted into my signature stance. My left hand was positioned in front of my face, my right hand at chest level. My claws had freed themselves from the gauntlets with a satisfying zip!

"Stand down," Lord Third ordered with a small laugh. The ANBU rushed back to their positions while I righted myself, retracting my claws. My arms fell by my sides, my cloak covering me fully once more.

"What's up?" I greeted casually, walking to stand in front of the Hokage's desk. He smiled, placing his pen down to join his hands.

"Nothing much, Hiro. How was your mission?" He asked.

"It was a success," I replied, producing a rather large scroll from a storage seal on my arm. "This has every detail from my mission as well as any important information/techniques I learned while infiltrating the organization."

The Third clapped his hands excitedly, making grabby motions at the scroll. Chuckling, I handed the scroll over to the old man.

"I also have their bodies sealed to collect their bounties. I made sure to leave their faces identifiable," I added, earning a pleased nod from the Third.

"That's great to hear. If anything, that makes the mission more than a success," He commented while placing the scroll in one of the drawers on his desk.

He fished around his desk a little while longer before pulling out small scroll. He tossed it lazily, the object landing neatly in my palm.

"That's your payment, not including your bounties of course," he informed. "I have put you back in the jounin department, but for now, you are exempt from missions for 3 weeks to settle back in and rest."

"Sound good to me," I smiled, sealing my payment into my arm. Three months of freedom. Yay.

A knock sounded on the door, bringing me from my mental vacation dreamland.

"Come in."

I glanced over to the door as it began to open. The first thing I noticed was the silver hair that seemed to stand on its own, leaning to one side. A mask covered the bottom half of his face, yet his forehead protector drooped down to cover his left eye. His only exposed eye met mine.



We stared blankly at each other for a solid minute before he sighed, walking over to me. Expecting a hug or at least a friendly shoulder touch, I was shocked to feel a sudden smack on the back of my head. A sudden, HARD smack.

The sheer force caused me to fly forward. I collided with the wall rather painfully, already feeling a bruise forming at both sites of impact. Groaning, I lifted a hand to gently rub the back of my head.

"I deserved that," I admitted, the pain present in my voice. The masked ninja merely scoffed, pulling a small orange book from his pocket.

"And more, but I'll leave that to Anko."

I paled at the thought but sighed knowing I'll have to face her eventually. Might as well get it over with.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked, my hand dropping from my head.

"Last time I saw her, she was heading to her apartment with a box of dango," he answered, amusement clear in his voice.

I nodded, making my way over to the window. Just as I had perched myself on the windowsill ready to jump, Kakashi spoke up.

"Hey Hiro?"

I hummed, turning around to make eye contact with the silver haired ninja. He smiled with his eyes, something I haven't seen from him in a while.

"Its good to have you back," he said. I smiled back, catching the hidden message in his words.

Glad I'm back too.

"Its good to be back."

With that, I jumped.

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