Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

We walk up the stairs to the seventh floor.

"Iris, could you wait for me at one of those empty tables over there?"

I nod my head. 

My amazement of the library is replaced by the solemn ambience the whole place is giving. Carefully and quietly, I pull a chair at a nearby empty table and sit down. Somehow, my clothes made me feel out of place. Patting Archie's head calms me down a bit. Not long after, Luda returns with a very thick book. He opens the book and carefully turns on a marked page then turns the book over to me.

"Read this passage here," says Luda as he points to a particular passage in the old book.

My eyes translate the passage as follows, 'Any attempt of utilising and/or weaponising black mana and tainted monsters is not condoned by the agreement of the Council of the Sages along with the signed agreement between the head of tribes and rulers of nations. Individual(s) found guilty will be punished according to the law of their respective domain.'

Below that read, 'The Council of the Sages will take immediate actions if and when needed should the concerned matter are not properly resolved.'

I look up from the page and awkwardly laugh, "So I really was treading on a landmine last night."

"You are lucky the lord understands you well enough to not misinterpret your intentions," Luda responds with a serious face.I close my mouth tight and starts reviewing my plans.

"There are exceptions to the law."

Luda interrupts my thinking with that statement. I tilt my head with puzzlement. His delicate, elvish finger taps on the first line on the passage I just read and come to a realisation.

I sit up straight and mumbles, "As long as it doesn't directly use black mana."

"Then you are not breaking the law."

Luda finishes my mumbling.

When Luda closes the thick book, I ask him a question while stroking Archie's fur.

"I assume you didn't bring me here just to have me read that. Earlier you said the floors are divided by subjects. Then, does this floor have records on magi devices that I can use for reference?"

The corner of Luda's lip curls up slightly.

"Follow me."

Luckily the focus on the magi device I'm thinking of has zero direct physical contact with black mana but to get the desired results, there's a need to test it on a monster with traces of black mana inside them. After that, Luda shows me the magi device section where they keep records of original and copied patented blueprints. After a long time of browsing, I gathered blueprints on magi devices with a detection feature. Unsurprisingly there aren't a lot of it. Since mana and magic is this world's foundation, detection is a vague concept that is somewhat difficult to reproduce into a magi device even though there are enchanted items with protection and defensive spell that activates when it senses danger to its wearer.

I cross my arm and move my head left to right, right to left. Something's not right. These magi device blueprints function similarly to a portable and mobile house alarm for carriages.

"What exactly are you trying to make?" Luda question as he looks at the blueprints spread on the table.

"Something akin to an x-ray machine."

"A what?" Luda responds with more confusion.

"Basically, a scanning device."

I start explaining by opening my notebook and showing him rough sketches on how the magi device would look like and its function. The rough designs imitate metal detector and x-ray machine but if I follow exactly as it is, the magi device will be bulky and cumbersome. Keeping in mind that the keepers are always moving around the sanctuary, I want to make the magi device more compact and portable. So I experiment with the design a lot.

"I roughly understand," says Luda.

"The problem is how to implement the Mana signature and Heat sensor into a functional magi device. I'm still working on the magi formulas for that."

As I raise my concern, Luda points out another problem.

"You're focusing too much on the detection aspect. You said it yourself that Mana signature and Heat sensor activates by sight. They are different from how 'Presence Detection' commonly works, correct?"

Then, he provides a suggestion. "In that case, wouldn't it be better to separate the task between detecting and monitoring?"

I turn to Luda and blankly stare at him.

That's right. How did I miss that?! Even I had to modify 'Presence Detection' to a display screen to make things easier for me.

After that, Luda takes the blueprints back to the magi device section while I concentrate on writing two magi formulas that correlate with each other at the same time minding configuration of its respective magi devices. While I'm deeply concentrated with writing the magi formulas, something soft tickles my neck.


Archie makes quiet noises when I call out his name. The red panda is crying because it's time to eat. Looks like its time to take a short break. Across the table, Luda is immersed in a book so I tell him quietly that Archie and I are going to take a break then head straight to the kiln after.

"I'll accompany you out," says Luda as he closes the book he's reading.

We exit the library through the ground floor entrance. The area in the institutional branch is now crowdier with elves vibrating with youths; a much different energetic atmosphere than any other part of the village. Every elf we pass by recognises Luda right away because of his green hair. I unconsciously hide behind his back until we part ways.

Since its lunch hour, I decided to replenish my worn-out brain at the cafe that's run by Mint's relative. The cafe owner warmly welcomes me and I introduce Archie to the employees who I become close with. Everyone instantly adores Archie as the red panda's head tilts which earns a round of squealing. Naturally, the red panda refuses their request to touch its soft reddish-brown fur. 

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