Chapter 36 - Dmitri

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WARNING! Brief description of someone we all hate dying a very violent and slow death in the middle of the chapter.


September 13, 2018

By the time Dmitri walks into his apartment, he is more than ready for the day to end. Last period with his brats was a trip and some, especially when they started making up bullshit excuses for not only Thommy and Rhys but Goodman as well. Because, apparently, the little asshole mysteriously got sick again according to Hudson and half of the class, who had seen him rush to the bathroom to throw up not long after lunch.

Dmitri let it go but didn't stop watching Hudson and the way he kept checking his phone under his desk in what he probably thought was a sneaky way. After Arnold Montgomery's reveal, it wasn't hard to guess that Mark had disappeared because of what happened to Chase Lodge, yet Dmitri could do nothing but stay in the background and pretend he was just a gullible idiot, who believed whatever lies he was fed by a bunch of teen punks, when he wanted to do nothing more than grab Hudson by his throat and shake him until he coughed up everything he knew.

At least, none of them knew what had happened.


Sasha's lack of texts during the day also indicated that Principal Pratt was still unaware of the brewing shitstorm in the back of her courtyard.

Dmitri doesn't have high hopes it will stay that way for long.

Reaching up to remove his glasses, he rubs the bridge of his nose with a sigh and walks right into his bedroom to shed the monkey costume he keeps forcing himself into day after day. He knows that he's being an ass toward Carmen but she's only brought more bad news and Dmitri just needs one minute to find just a single... no just half a fuck to give about the whole clusterfuck his life has turned into since he took on what was supposed to be an easy one stone two bird kind of mission of exterminating annoying pests that have not only been trying to encroach on their territory but also selling poison to children.

Well, fuck getting a degree in education.

He contemplates hiding out in his closet until Carmen takes the hint and leaves but he has known her long enough to know she would sooner come in and drag him out by his hair than to leave with her business unfinished. So, with nowhere to hide, he changes into soft black sweatpants and a white Henley before he walks back into the living room where Carmen is seated with an unimpressed look on her face.

"I thought you were going to call me back, chicito," she comments, the single eyebrow she lifted a well-aimed knife of judgment even as she pats the empty space next to her. "Shouldn't you be happier?"

"We both know there is nothing to be happy about," Dmitri replies. He sits down obediently and takes the tablet she is holding out to him. "A kid ODs on 'Amelloni's' garbage drug," he finger quotes Amelloni for good measure, "and mere hours later the DEA raids half of the Italians' warehouses with actual results? This would scream setup even to a toddler."

"I'd rather think that there is a mole in Amelloni's little gang," Carmen counters, folding her arms across her chest. She's dressed to the nines she always is on workdays, never failing to show off her amazing figure and superior taste in clothes just to have every client and shareholder pant after her. Her face is set in stone, however, with only a smug little curl in the corner of her deep crimson painted lips.


She did have a hand in Amelloni's misfortune.

"I'm sure Grandmother is very proud," he says, his gaze skimming the neatly compiled report on the screen. "And I know your task has little to do with finding the actual source of the drug but taking Amelloni out of the picture won't solve the issue. At least no for long. He was nowhere near the warehouses when the raid happened. Actually, my guess would be that there is no proof of him being anywhere near any of those places for months at the very least."

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