A True Friendship P.1

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Kyoka was cringing to herself on her bed. She had her arms wrapped around her legs and her head was hiding behind them. She wanted to cry out of embarrassment. She had no idea why  she just did that. she just gave a guy she had only known for no more than a few hours her number, something she hasn't given anyone besides her parents.

What if he thought she was weird? What if he was only trying to make her feel better? Wait. What if he only talked to her because there was more to the exam than just destroying robots? He probably wont even call her. Kyoka had let out a few tears as she raised her head from behind her legs. "I-I'm such a d-dumbass." Kyoka said to herself still sniffling.

She looked to her right and looked at her mirror. All she saw in her eyes was a flat chested nobody that will probably never find someone to love. She looked away from the mirror and buried her face into her knees.

Immediately after she did that she felt a vibration on her bed. She sprung her head up and looked at her phone which was charging and it was on with a message from a random number. Kyoka wiped her tears and smiled at this. He actually texted her. She wasn't expecting it. Maybe he thinks different from other people. I mean he didn't look that bad of a person. actually he looked pretty cut-. 'STOP!' Kyoka shouted at herself in her head as her face was red.


Izuku had arrived home and was greeted by his mother. Once that happened he went and took a shower. Afterwards he gotten dressed and sat up on his bed staring intensely at the phone. This wasn't a dream. He even made sure of that my slapping himself in the face a few times in the shower. He actually talked to a girl, Had a good conversation with her, and got her NUMBER. 

He couldn't even believe it. She didn't even think he was weird. a matter a fact, she giggled at his mumbling and her quirk is cool. 

Izuku reached for his phone with his right arm. He was shaky. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it using his pass-code. It opened to the most recent tab open which was his contacts. He clicked text and texted her.

Izuku: Um, hello is this Jiro?

Kyoka: Yea its me

Kyoka: are we still going to hang out tomorrow?

Izuku: I-I mean sure, I'm s-still up for it

Kyoka: did you just stutter through text?

Izuku: oh I'm sorry

Kyoka: Oh, don't worry about it's fine. anyways want to meet at the front of U.A?

Izuku: Yea sure. H-how does 4pm sound?

Kyoka: Yea that's good. anyways I gtg ill see you tomorrow Midoriya

Izuku: yea i'll see you tomorrow.

Izuku stared at the text messages for about thirty minutes. 'I just talked to a girl on the phone.' He thought to himself. This was a first to him. Other than his mother he hasn't talked to anybody on the phone, not even through text! Izuku was happy and rather quite nervous about tomorrow but either way, in his mind.

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