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"I can't believe I said such a thing Em!" "I know Esme. Everyone deals with turning differently. This could be for him aging."

Carlisle walked downstairs at the conversation. "What's wrong?" "I... I cussed Harry." "What? What happened?"

"He yelled at me and I just couldn't help it. Never have I lost my temper and now..." "It's normal honey. Harry is officially going through puberty and his hormones can't handle the vampire venom. It took Edward months to get out of the stage."

"Your right. He probably just need some space."

Harry concentrated and finally he tapped back in to Severus kneeling before Voldemort. "I take it you rear the Prophet?" "Yes my lord. I was told by Albus not to tell you and he made me take a wizarding oath."

"Hm, you have been loyal. Good thing I had someone watching you." The fear could basically be felt through the bond. "Lucius bring in the wolf."

The pale blond wizard brought in Remus Lupin who seemed to have been tortured. "Take them to the cell. The nuisance will no longer see through him anymore."

"Can't we use Severus to get to the boy?" "You are right Lucius. Obliviate!"

Harry was knocked into unconscious to the ground.

Night grew longer as Esme stared out one of the many windows from the kitchen. Carlisle walked up behind her, putting his hands on her shoulder. "He still hasn't returned?"

"No, I'm beginning to worry about him. What if someone got him?" "I'm sure he is alright. Can you get in bed?" "Not with the possibility of Harry being out there."

"How about we-" "Harry's in trouble!" Alice stated as she ran downstairs alarming Carlisle and Esme. "See lisle we must go."

"Inform the others." "Jasper must not go. I just need a little more time with him." The parents looked at her but didn't say anything. "I'll go get Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward."

She speeded up the stairs to get the three but returned with four. "Jazz you can't go." "He's like a brother to me too. We promised each other not to keep secrets." Looking up at him her eyes sparkled as she begged with her eyes.

Looking away Jasper said, "Alice. Please tell me." "You might come back with someone else. Their smell may be more special then mine, but all these years and we're just going to break up."

All looked on in shock at the couple well everyone except Rosalie who didn't care. "Why would we break up just because of someone new?" "There's something about him Jazz. I just don't know."

"Well I still need to be there. Our plan may fall through if I'm not there. All these four years and we all have grown attached to him."

"He's not in true danger now. But will when someone dressed in all black comes. Harry is knocked out in the woods for some reason. We just need to retrieve him in case my vision is wrong and they send that man earlier."

Everyone nodded their agreement. They all walked through the forest in search of Harry but no one could smell his unique scent. Emmett looked at the empty stub. "He was just here a minute ago." "He's gone and you all will be soon."

A young pale blond wizard stepped out from a tree, smirking when the other death eaters appeared. "Potter will be staying until the dark Lord decides he is useless, which will be soon. Never did he want him to survive."
Harry woke strapped in a chair. The light blinded him for a minute before he adjusted to it. The only other light on in the otherwise dark room was one directed at a crouched over dark form. 'Mate,' states the voice as he watched the man struggle to his feet to reveal chains on his feet.

"Potter. I met you at the store. You were the little boy with the old grandpa. The potion revealed you though."

"Silence." The voice boomed as the red eyes glared at the couple. "I was thinking we could play a little game."

He came into the light. He was the ugliest man that Harry had ever seen. Twirling his wand around his fingers he looked to Harry first. "When was the last time you were in the wizarding world?"

'No reason to lie.' "Four years ago." A crooked smile came to him as he pointed his wand to the young wizard and newly vampire. "Crowd what do you think to be the reward for his truthful testimony if he stays constant?"

The light turned on to reveal multiple death eater masks. "No torture! Mate inched closer! His mate!" Voldemort and Harry eyed each other, their red and black eyes sizing each other up.

"I will let you choose if you answer correctly." "What side are you on?" Harry's tongue swiped his upper lip as he let out a laugh. "You really are pathetic. I am and will never be on either side. Your world could go to hell for all I care as long as my family is safe."

"And what of him?" He gestured to Severus who had his eyes closed, whispering to himself. It was just now that Harry noticied that his robe was the only artical that he wore. His body was littered in stretch marks. Blood trailed between his wobbly legs ,but he refused to kneel as his hands must have been chained in the beginning as well. It must have been the lighting before as he had missed all the details.

"He's yours isn't he?" "Was. I am thinking of letting the wolf finish him this time around. The wolf must have been horny."

'What did he just say?!' -It is none of our business.- "It is none of my business what you do to him."

'Are you insane?!' -I must be if I'm talking to myself internally.- "Where is my family? I have nothing agaisnt you or anyone in this world."

"You don't mean it. I left you an orphan. I killed your parents and everything and you don't care? Your trying to deceive me!"

Raising his wand at the wizard he shouted his incantation. "Avada kadvra!" 'Protego,' they fought as the spell hit the wall next to the dark Lord. He looked at the man across him and entered his mind.

-Who are you?- 'what?' -You make my blood boil and this beast appear in my head. Who are you? Is this your ability? Are you secretly a vampire?-

'I am not. The question is who are you mr. Potter. He attacks and your shield still holds. The woman talked about your power but not to this extent.' -I am not a Potter.-

'What are you seems more correct?' -I am a half being. I am both vampire and wizard and for some reason this beasts takes an interest in you. Why?-

'I have read many texts on vampires but I have meet none with your power.' -Probably haven't read any text about a wizard vampire either.- 'Not true. There was a favorite actor of mine. His name was Kai Klaus and he was a half blood that was turned into a vampire at the age of twenty two. He had speed and strength but that was all.'

'He's avoiding your question. You might want to hurry it up. I can't stay on the front lines for long with these spells.' 'Who was that?' -The person interested in you and I demand to know why. Why do I worry about you when I had only known you a year and even then you were a git.-

'I can not tell you your emotions. The only reason I can think of is a food source.' Harry caught the half lie as soon as he stated it. -Something else too. No worries. The moment we escape you will tell me everything you know or else.-

'I do not need your help and I am not some child you can tell what to do.' -Whatever. I'm done talking._ He severed the connection before hexing the dark Lord with a blasting curse before breaking his straps and shielding him and his mate.

Running to his mate and jumping towards the ceiling he apparated them to Forks Washington in the forest he was previously to see more death eaters passed out on the ground and his family with few marks. "Harry!" Alice went to hug him but he stopped her. Taking off his coat he tied the coat around the man's waist.

Alice's eyes widened at the sight of the man. "It's him."

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