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Harry arrived at the familiar temple with his bags. Instead of knocking he walked right in to see his old friend and mentor meditating. "Come. Meditate with me."

Taking a seat on the plush rug he got into position before closing his eyes. "Now what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" "My vampire abilities are getting stronger and I've just been one for two days." "Didn't you have them already?"

"Never." Sighing he thought about what to say next. "The only thing going was that I was a wizard and I could speak to snakes." "Snakes? Now isn't that interesting for a Gryffindor?"

He heard the joke in his voice ,but that was the last thing Harry had wanted to talk about. "I was almost separated into Slytherin." "Oh, I remember. Just like I remember you having dreams and let's just say... fantasies."

Harry felt his cheeks burn at the word. "There not fantasies! I barely even know him." "You've read a lot about him." "That doesn't mean I know him."

Harry's eyebrows arched in a scowl as he just thought over the words. "Sure. Knowing about someone's childhood means you don't know them. How he was bullied, just like you. How he was humiliated from time to time, just like you. How he was placed in the middle of a war because he thought he didn't have a choice."

Harry rolled his eyes before standing, the meditation long forgotten. "So we have a few things in common." "Harry your in denial." "You two have a bunch in common. Besides from the attitude, parseltongue, and a bit more."

"We don't have that much in common." "Must I recite the list?" "No I-" "What I have an interest in him for the school year I taught?" "What?! You and Snape?!"

"Jealous?" Harry snorted before walking over to the pond that centered the inside. "As if." "Then why do you make that face."

"I'm not making a face." "Sure you are. The one with the 'I have no clue what your talking about' and the 'looking off into the distance.'"

"I could careless if you think that the old dungeon bat is attractive. With his sarcastic remarks every time someone speaks to him."

"Oh but you forget the best parts of him. He is charming in his own way. With his melodic deep voice, his sharp responses that makes you just want to kiss it out of him, and-" "Okay. So what if he gets a bit jealous? I can't control his feelings."

"You talk about him as if he isn't apart of you. As a vampire now he is your instincts. The part of you that screams for you to drain a human, scare someone away, or to claim them as your mate. There is a reason that he is there."

Harry sat in front of the pond, staring at his reflection. "So do you really like Snape?" Kai sighed as he opened his eyes and relaxed his position on the cold floor.

"No. The only reasons we would talk is about my books and nothing else. Besides that he kind of distrusted me because of the last DADA professors. He would constantly question me as if he expected me to be an imposter."

Harry sighed as he stood up to look at his past master. "Do you think you can teach me to... I don't know." "Control yourself and talk to your vampire? That would take years."

"Too long." He paced the floor before sharply returning his eyes and body to Kai. "There's a place in Hogwarts that stops time once in it. Or at least slows it. Let's go!"

"Alright." Dusting off his pants he grabbed his past student's hand and they apparated.

In normal time it would have been been a month ,but only a few seconds had passed when they apparated back. "Thank you again Kai." "No problem. How about you go and claim that mate of yours?"

They smiled at each other. "I have one more stop before I return." "Alright. Don't postpone too long." "Believe me. Victor won't let me."

Grabbing his bag he apparated to a huge church. Taking a breath he looked around to see that no one was out in the middle of the day. Pushing open the doors he strutted inside, his head held high as he emitted confidence. He was met with the screams of humans as he continued down the long hall to see a human nailed to the wall.

The fledglings showed snacking on one of the humans. Completely unbothered by the smell, Harry thankfully eating Kai's food that he snuck to their training session. Good thing Kai always came prepared.

"Harry. What brings you here?" Aro asked from his throne as the young vampire walked towards him.

"I need to ask you, Marcus, and Caius a question." "Sure. Go ahead." "In private."

Raising his eyebrows the leader then nodded before signaling the others. "What is it that you wished to speak to me about my little godchild?"

"You all promise you won't get mad?" "Mad about what my godchild?" "I found my mate."

"What's wrong about that Harry," asked Marcus. "Nothing." "Something must be for you bother us in the middle of breakfast," remarked Caius.

Looking over Caius Harry looks to Aro. "As you can tell I have been changed and after some practice I have learned how to control my vampire portion. To create a balance one may say."

"And why interrupt breakfast?" "Excuse me Caius ,but I thought my godfather would like to know that I have discovered my abilities." "Abilities," asked Aro intrigued. He reached for Harry's face but the other stepped back.

"I can tell you myself. It does not require your abilities." "I can read minds, see the future, present, and past by just focusing on an individual. I am unsure if it works on people I do not know ,but I plan to practice more with my teacher. That is not the reason I came though."

"And why did you appear," asked Aro. "My mate is a wizard like me." "What do you expect us to do about it," snarked Caius.

"He has this mark that the dark wizards were forced to receive as a sign of loyalty. Now that he has betrayed him he is dying slowly."

"Harry have you claimed him," asked Marcus. "Not yet. That's the point. The man hates me! I would basically have to rape the man!"

"You do anything to stay alive. Whether it's murder, rape, or turning. You just know not to get caught," stated Caius with a hint of a threat.

"I'm not like you Caius. I don't rape and murder for no reason. If he want's to die then I can not force him."

The two were up in each other's face by now growling. "I would have to agree with Caius Harry." Harry observed Marcus with incredulity.

"Me too my child." Backing up his eyes went from one vampire to the other. "I can't."

"You have no choice Fledgling. Mercy is a weakness." Caius stated as he turned to leave.

It was at that moment that Harry's phone rang, stopping Caius in his tracks. Answering the video chat he saw Esme as she stared at something in the distance. When she looked to him he saw her hair was in disarray as she poured distress.

"Harry we need your assistance." Her voice seemed calm but the pitchiness of her voice told him otherwise. Looking to the other's he apparated without another word just knowing they would visit soon.

Once in the room he saw that the cuffs had been used and his mate was laid out in the floor. His face was paler. Flinging him over his shoulders and laying him on the bed. He would wait till he wakes and let Victor carry out what the Volturi had suggested as he felt the rage from his now acquaintance.

Vampire Harry Potter RewriteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora