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The Cullen family peered at the man as he stood before them barely. "Lupin. I forgot Lupin. I must go back." "You will not. You will tell me what you know."

"I will not listen to you Potter. I appreciate the assistance, but I must go back." Harry snatched the wand from the man's grasp causing him to glare at the younger. "You hardly escaped and I am not going to save your arse again."

"Then don't. Give me my wand," he growled as scowled at him with the upmost hate. Harry looked at the still dripping blood between his legs before shaking his head. "No, we are going to get you seen about and you are going to inform me on what you know."

"Read it your damn self! I am going back!" Feeling himself get sleepy his eyes become heavy. "What... did...you...do?"

Those were his last words as he fell into a deep slumber. "Thank you Jazz." "Course. He looked to have been raped." "I know. Let's get him to the office."

Emmett carefully laid the man down on the patient bed. From there Carlisle checked his private, butt, head, and any other place on his body. That was until he got to his stomach. He saw a small bump.

Pulling his ultrasound machine over, he turned it on, covering his fingers in the cold gel rubbing it on the pale belly. Adjusting the wand he saw no baby. Tallying it to a miscarriage he thought to ask the man once he woke.

Walking out the room after covering the wizard in a thick blanket he was met with Harry and Alice. "Can you go get Jasper Alice while I speak to Harry?" "Of course."

"What's wrong?" "Are you aware that he was pregnant?" "He's a wizard. Are you sure Carlisle?" Jasper and Alice came back at a sprint as they looked to the doctor.

"Jasper I need you to wake him." The four walked into the room. Waking the male up he spring up grasping his midsection. Realizing where he was he dropped his arms quickly. "You have me trapped. What do you want so I can be in peace?"

"For you to tell me the truth. Where you pregnant?" "Where? Yes." His eyes now faced the bed as if he had lost a dear friend.

"I should have known. Your discussion was clear ,but I didn't want any assumptions clouding it." "You knew," questioned the occupants. "I would watch you. If I concentrate enough then I can hear every discussion, see and hear every dream, thought, the future, the past, feel every emotion."

"Your ability," stated Alice as she looked at her younger brother as if seeing him for the first time. "You were spying on me? That would explain the chill in my spine." "Yes. You were planning on abortion. Weren't you?"

"That does not concern you! Now if you would excuse me I am going to go get Lupin." "He's most likely dead. Do you think you could handle that news when you just had a miscarriage. I take it you haven't birthed the embryo yet?" "Always the smartass Potter."

He moved to get up only to be shoved down by Harry. "Potter. Careful." "Cullen. You will birth the embryo and then we will discuss what you know."

The two eyed each other. Magic sparked as they tried to one up the other. "I will be damned!" "Jazz. Can you go get Lupin? The charm is on the table."

"No," stated both Alice and Severus. Carlisle, Harry, and Japser looked at the two. "Is this about your vision?" "I just need a little longer. Send Emmett."

"Let me see." Harry closed his eyes and focused on Jasper. Remus screamed his release as the vampire speed up his thrusts. "I'll bruise if you continue. I must return to Severus in his time of hurt."

Jasper did a conceited chuckle before lifting his leg. "Harry will accompany him. Besides... weren't you the one who jumped from the window?"

Exiting Harry looked to Alice. "It will happen sooner or later ,but I will send Emmett for his retrieval. I will ask Jacob if he can stay at his pack while you spend time with Jazz."

"Thank you Har." Taking out his phone he called Jacob. On the third ring he answered. "I have a favor to ask of you." "Anything for you Harry." "Let one of my wizarding wolf friends be in your pack for a bit. Emmett will bring him to the line."

The line was silent before a sigh released. "How long?" "Not too long. I promise. He only turns on the full moons."

"Harry. I don't know how to handle that." "Just chain him to the bed and lock the doors."

"That's insensitive to his beast." "That's how it's always been. Albus would never let him run wild. I just know it." Another sigh before Jacob agreed.

"Alice, Jazz. Can you tell Emmett?" "Roger," mocked Jasper as he went to tell Emmett. They both knew this was his way of getting somewhat of alone time with the wizard.

"Now the embryo." Carlisle took out the stirrups, placing the feet where they belong. "I want you to push whenever your ready. It seems that it had been trying to come out long ago."

With one look at the young vampire he looked to the doctor. "Harry, go eat and you may come back. I will make sure he don't go far."

"Okay." Running upstairs he grabbed four bags of blood. When he returned he saw that blood covered the thighs more as Severus drifted. Taking the chair beside the bed he watched Carlisle bag the embryo and head out the room.

When Harry woke again he saw Severus going into his robe pockets. "Not there. Get back in bed." Severus growled before limping to the bed. Carlisle must have came back as Severus now was dressed in a gown and he could no longer smell blood but disinfect.

"How come I can sleep?" "Your a living vampire Potter. You can also eat ,but only half done or rare meat. As long as it has blood on it pretty much." "What about its attraction to you?"

"Food source like I stated before." "Lie. What is the truth?" "That is for you to find out."

A gasp escaped his throat as he grabbed his arm. "Are you alright?" He saw the sleeves were bare and one was spread on one arm. "The dark mark. How long has it been this way?"

Severus said nothing. "How long?" His voice was more stern as he forcibly raised his head. "I don't have long. At least let me see him one last time. Tell him that his hopes of being a father will never come true from me."

"Not if it gets you in trouble. I may have a way to cancel it out. Only I must talk to someone first."

"Of course your only concerned about yourself. Self centered git." Severus mumbled before laying down on the bed and facing away from Harry.

"Your potion?" "Who made it?" "I make them and keep them in here." He helped him raise up. "Do you really think I would take a potion you made?"

"Your a potions professor. Does it look drinkable?" Scanning the potion Severus saw the potion was perfect. "Who taught you?"

"Not important. Just drink." Taking a breath, Severus downed the potion. Sliding back down he closed his eyes and drifted back off.

"I won't be here when you wake. But when you do. You will be in good hands." Walking up the steps he packed a bag and wrote an old friend.

I need to speak to you.

Sneaking out the door he closed the front door before running off.

Vampire Harry Potter RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now