Watch Yourself

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Victor pulled back to give the still mortal much needed air. While the wizard caught his breath he ripped off the robe and the button up shirt. "Get off of me Potter!"

He stopped to look at his mate, ignoring the hands that tried to force him off. His eyes trailed the now cursed skin seeing that as his fuel for anger. To punish his mate for disobeying.

Ripping open the trousers he pulled them down the long pale legs with force before flinging them across the room. "What are you doing?!" "Shut up," he growled as he ripped off the underware.

"I will not take orders from a-" His lips was once more assaulted as his legs were placed on the strong shoulders. Eyes wide Severus began to struggle annoying the vampire to push him on the bed before once more assaulting his lips.

His fingers trailed down the spine before touching his mate's arse. Squirming he was slapped hard ,but not enough to break anything before the hand once more returned to his chest to hold him in place. The man groaned in pain at the new stinging feeling in his face.

Biting the other's now protruding tongue making the vampire pull back and out of his mouth. Severus turned to spit out the venom. However, he screamed when his leg was raised higher then possible.

The cold eyes stared at him as he shouted. Hearing the wind of some of his coven mates running up the stairs he let out a loud warning growl. Before setting the leg back on his shoulder.

The wizard grabbed at it only for the arm to be pinned to the bed. "Be a good bitch and obey and probably you won't end up as hurt. If you can give what's mine to a werewolf then I know you can give it to me."

"I do not belong to you." A fangy smirk stared back at Severus as if he had just tried the vampire. "We'll see about that."

Unbuttoning and unzipping his zipper he skillfully pulled of both his underwear and trousers. His free hand went to the other's neck, face close to his ear. "Don't move."

Releasing him all together he stripped from his shirt before rising from the bed. Severus stared at the other, making sure to leave his arms above his head. 'Where is the lube?' -Don't have any.-

Victor paused from his searching in the nightstand. "Don't. Move." Walking out the room he went to Emmett's room. When he saw the vampire wasn't there he walked downstairs in all his naked glory.

Once downstairs he saw the Volturi. Emmett was the first one to see him. "What the fuck Har?!"

"Victor. I need lube. Where is it." "Can you at least put on some shorts?" "He's moving around up there. Where is the lube?" He was beginning to become impatient and angry as he heard Severus searching for most likely his wand which was up there.

With the amount of time he was waiting with Emmett he knew he would find it. "Top drawer." Vampire speeding upstairs he grabbed four bottles full of lube. -Don't you think that's a bit much?-

'For you maybe but for me? No.' Running to the room he saw Severus turn with his wand pointed at him.

Licking his lips he gave a small chuckle. Slamming the door he looked him up and down. "Don't come near me!"

Another toothy smile before he tackled him on the bed, breaking the bed, and broke the wand before flinging it. Wide eyes stared at him. As he pinned the older man.

'Alarte Ascendare' Victor flew to the ceiling. Severus ran, flinging the door open and running downstairs. However when his feet touched the second floor he was tripped and dragged back.

"Someone control him!" No one moved as he was dragged upstairs. Victor broke the lock and threw Severus on the bed. "Bad mistake." 

Severus was flipped to his stomach, him now on his knees. A thick slick finger pressed at his tight muscle before slowly sliding in. "This is rape!"

Grabbing a leg to raise he then hit it. The older arched as a gasp escaped. Licking up his spine, causing a shiver before setting a brutal pace.

Loud moans slipped from his mouth before he covered it with the other's pillow. Not liking that Victor placed the balancing arm around the other's chin to raise it. Once he knew the wizard wouldn't drop his head he placed the hand on his lower back to make him arch more.

"Ahh!" When he felt the twitch of his arse he quickly removed his fingers causing a soft quiet whimper to escape. Flipping him to his back he looked at the flushed face as he panted and stared at him.

Going in the top drawer he pulled out a condom and putting it on before lubbing himself. Severus swallowed thickly at the sight of his size. Picking up the thin leg and setting it on his shoulder he watched the other's facial expressions closely as he positioned himself.

"I forget it would be rape." He pulled back, seeing the sadness and hidden anger in the dark orbs. "You started it. You have to finish." "I certainly can not rape."

He got off the bed before grabbing for his shirt. "You senseless unsympathetic brat! Come back and finish!"

"Your right." Leaning back over him he reached over him to the second drawer. Looking him in the eyes he cuffed him to the bed before running his fingers down to his penis.

Wrapping his hand around it he slipped on a cock ring before trailing down to shove in a vibrator, "Uhhh!!", and a butt plug. "That was very insensitive of me." Turning it up he heard the moans grow louder with each notch.

Once all the way up and the man basically screamed  he left, with the door open. "Po... tt... er!!" "The names Victor. You will learn the difference sooner or later." Blowing a kiss he left to join the conversation downstairs.

Vampire Harry Potter RewriteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum