Chapter 32: The True Blade

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

"I suppose it is only to be expected. You have my pity. There is no such thing as "truth" or "lies" in this world; there never has been. There is only plain, hard facts. And yet, all beings who exist in this world take only those "facts" that are convenient to them, and take them to be the "truth". They do so because they know no other way to live. However, for those powerless beings that make up the majority of this world it is those "facts" that are inconvenient for their own self-affirmation that make up the real "truth." - Aizen Sousuke

"Total slaughter,
Total slaughter,
I won't leave a single man alive,
la de da de dai,
La de da de duh,
an ocean of blood.
Lets begin the killing time." Vash's Genocide song

Kumogakure was quite all around even the guards were playing around to a certain degree: Playing a card came, seeing who can hit a certain target the farthest, etc. Just as they all were about to play another round of the various "games" a figure began to emerge out of the mist. The guards immediately stopped what they were doing and brought their weapons up. The man wore a black cloak that wrapped completely around him with a hood up and tattered bottom. "Identify yourself!" One of the guards growled out.

"Me?" The man asked looking around at the barring landscape as if looking for someone else. "I guess I'm the one you are talking to." The guards all responded by raising their weapons. "I come representing Naruto Uzumaki in the hopes that we can bring Hinata Hyuga back home peacefully."

"Oh, really." The guards smirked at one another. "Well, we have orders from out Raikage that anyone who is in league with Naruto Uzumaki are to be killed on sight. So I guess that's it for-." He never finished his sentence as a long blade ripped itself out of the man's cloak and stabbed itself into his chest.

"How very tragic." The man said as his hood fell revealing the face Denpa. "But I did warn him that there will be bloodshed." Tensaku (Sever of the Heavens) sailed back to Denpa making the Kumo guard fall off the rock he stood on. "Now who dies next." The Kumo guards all jumped to attack Denpa when snakes wrapped around them and began to squeeze the life out of them.

"Now I can't have you kill him." Came Kabuto's snake like voice as he appeared out of the ground with his right arm extended with the snakes coming out of his arm. Naruto came out from behind Kabuto showing no emotion towards the guards as they quickly passed out from the lack of air. "Shall I finish them off." Kabuto took a step forward, but Naruto stopped him.

"No." Naruto walked over and slapped a seal on all off the guards. "The seal will stop them from waking up for at least two hours." Kabuto looked disgruntled, but released the guards from his snakes. "Now come on this time I will do the talking." The group began to walk towards the tall towers that warned them that their were in Kumogakure. "Kabuto you remember the plan." Naruto turned to see Kabuto already biting his thumb and making the appropriate handsigns. "I'll take that as a yes." Naruto smiled at Kabuto who merely slammed his hand on the ground being consumed by the smoke that followed. When it all cleared Kabuto was now standing on top of a giant purple colored snake with clawed hands and legs. It had pit viper like teeth, a cobra hood, and a rattlesnake tail.

"Kabuto you better have a good reason to summon me." Manda hissed out in slight anger.

"Yes we are going to most likely have to fight a hundred or more Shinobi." Kabuto smiled down at Manda. "And I thought this will be the perfect opportunity to try out Manda's new power." Naruto could tell Manda was thinking about Kabuto's words.

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