Chapter 1

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change, but pretty soon...everything's different."- 'Angelito soldado' (Fanfic writer)

Naruto was walking down the streets of Konoha still saddened by the fact he failed his graduation exam for the second time. "Naruto you failed." Naruto thought this and chuckled at the thought. "What else is new." Naruto didn't pay much attention where he was going or to the villagers who looked at him with hate in their eyes. Suddenly Naruto found himself in front of a story he never saw before. He decided to enter the story and found two man auguring over a tag.

"Look I don't think that is a storage seal." The brown headed man said. "It looks more like a chakra seal."

"And I'm telling you it is a storage seal." The bulky deep voice man said. "You know what how about we just activate it and find out what it is." The other one nodded his head in agreement as they started to lay the tag down Naruto caught a glimpse of the seal and felt an odd tug deep within himself almost like the seal was calling out to him.

"STOP!" Naruto yelled out. The two man stop and looked at Naruto with surprise in their eyes. "It's an explosive tag." The man looked at one another and chuckled.

"Look kid we don't need a tiny little kid try and tell us what a-." The man stopped as he looked at the seal again. "He's right." His friend looked at him then back at the tag.

"Whoa how did we miss that." He said this as he gently picked the tag up.

"Well it is an old version of an explosive seal." He said this with a thoughtful expression. "I haven't seen a tag like this used in a long time. So us mistaking it for something, especially considering we were arguing, it is pretty easy to make a mistake like that."

"Yeah, but still we nearly blew us and our shop up." His friend said as he looked at Naruto. "That would be one statement to make. We just move here and we go ahead and blow ourselves up. Forgive us we need to introduce ourselves. My name is Ishiki (Awareness) and this is my brother Denpa (Electro-Magnetic Wave)."

"Naruto Uzumaki is my name." Naruto said to the two brothers.

"I got a question for you Naruto." Denpa said with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know that it was an explosive tag."

Naruto just smiled and placed his hands behind his head. "I don't know it's just that the seal looked like it spelled explosive." Naruto said, but the brothers didn't quiet buy that.

"Okay tell me do you know what this are." Ishiki said this as he held out three different tags with different seals on them. Naruto looked at them and about a few seconds after looking at them he began to speak.

"This one is a sealing tag." Naruto said pointing to the tag. "This is a chakra sealing tag and this is another explosive tag, but the ones we use now a days." The brothers were amazed at Naruto.

"Kid you just got them all right." Denpa said with a smile of amusement. "Listen do you know what Fūinjutsu (Sealing techniques) are?"

Naruto closed his eyes in concentration. "Sorry I think I fell asleep during that part of Iruka's lecture." Naruto said this and the brothers once again were amazed.

"This kid has no idea what Fūinjutsu is and still managed to get everything right." Ishiki thought and looked at his brother who nodded his head. Denpa went into the back and came back carrying a dusty book.

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