Chapter 6: The Battle of Wave begins

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

A/N: I finally have some help fixing the grammer and missing word problem on my story. So I'm excited for this and I just want to say this: THANK YOU! :)

"Our existence is built upon the noble sacrifices made. Instead, you fall in battle from trying to protect your subordinates. My subordinates were not simply defeated. They left behind markers for me, on how to carry on the fight. If I had lost, my subordinates' sacrifices would have all been for nothing. I hold within me the resolve of those who sacrificed their lives." - Tia Harribel (bleach)

Naruto looked around at the site around at all the people smiling at him. The people here barely had anything and yet they were happy to try and give Naruto what little bit they had. Naruto politely refused, having noticed that they needed it more. Sakura and Kakashi were truly happy that Naruto had found his clan's old home. Sasuke, on the other hand, kept up his emotionless face, but every now and then his eyes would harden when he heard someone praising Naruto.

Sasuke just didn't understand why Naruto was so popular when he didn't do a thing. Ever since the villagers found out that Naruto is actually the sole survivor of once powerful clan, people constantly swarmed around him. Naruto was always seen wearing a smile since he came back from his old house and he seemed to radiate happiness as the villagers, both young and old, surrounded him, eager to talk to the lone survivor of legendary clan.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura didn't have anything to do so Kakashi had decided at that moment to give everyone training on chakra control. Instantly, Naruto's happy smile turned into a slight frown.

"Why do we need this?" Naruto asked in a bored tone.

"Because it will help you control your chakra and help you not die just from overusing it."

The response made Naruto look at the ground with a resentful pout. Every since the chakra-depletion incident, Kakashi had been watching him like a hawk. Whenever Naruto went to make a new seal and try it out, Kakashi was right there watching. Once Naruto got annoyed so he asked Kakashi why he was watching him and the answer he got was simple.

"I don't want you to get hurt." came the monotone response.

"Now, what I want you guys to do is to climb a tree." Everyone looked at Kakashi as though they thought he was out of his mind or something. Naruto and Sasuke snorted at the obvious easiness of the task. "But without using your hands." This wiped the smirk off both their faces.

"What? That's not possible!" Naruto complained loudly.

With a sigh, Kakashi began to channel chakra into his feet. Kakashi walked towards a nearby tree and when his face was only a foot away from the bark, he put one foot on the tree and proceeded to walk up the bark.

"What were you saying Naruto?" Kakashi raised his eyebrow at Naruto. "Now what you need to do is put chakra onto the soles of your feet and begin to walk up the tree. You must keep you chakra leveled for if you put too much, you'll break through the tree and fall, too little and you won't grip to the tree and fall. Also, if you feel as though you are about to fall while walking up the tree, mark where you were with a Kunai."

Kakashi watched as the group looked at each other and back at the tree. The three put chakra into their feet and ran at the tree. As expected, Naruto was the first to fall after putting too little chakra into his feet, but then Sasuke fell when he put too much chakra and began to crack the bark.

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