Chapter 24: Naruto's return

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

"Violence is not the answer. Instead it is a tool we use to draw conclusions and solve problems."-Unknown

"Enemies are made for all sorts of reasons. From the moment one makes an enemy, until one breathes their final breath, they are in battle."-Unknown

"Before my eyes, your reign shall topple like the stones of a rotting palace."-Unknown

Hinata was walking around in Konoha with a smile on her face. "Today Naruto is coming back." Hinata could barely contain her excitement when she woke up. She was now heading to the gate that was when she saw Tsunade waiting at the gate as well. "Hokage-sama what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Naruto to return." Tsunade looked ready to call in a search if Naruto returned even a second late. "He should be here soon." Hinata took to looking at the sky until she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps. They turned to see four people approaching the gate. One was Jiraiya wearing a smile, but with a tired look in his eyes. The others was Ishiki, Denpa, and Enmatsuki all looked the same except for Denpa who took to wearing a samurai leg armor. The finally person had a staff on his back with a ring large enough to slip one arm through and was wearing a cloak with a hood pulled over his face, but Hinata saw the tufts of spiky blond hair that brought a smile on her face. He removed his hood revealing the face of Naruto with longer hair that nearly fell over his eyes and ended at his shoulders, but at the very tips it had a red color making it look on fire. His cheek scars also seemed to have gotten deeper and his eyes still retained their blue color. He had his Konoha headband wrapped around his right arm, but on his left he had the Uzushiogakure symbol. He was wearing a type of rope that nearly concealed his hands, but on his back and both sleeves was kanji. The one on his back was Nōnēmu de Fokkusu (The Fox With No Name), but the two on his sleeve actually spelled one complete thing. The kanji on his arm when placed together was Sennin no Hi (Sage of the Yang).

"What too much?" Naruto smiled a little at seeing the faces of Tsunade and Hinata.

"Naruto what happened?" Tsunade and Hinata said at the same time making Naruto chuckle a little.

"Well, I've been a little busy." Naruto looked at the length of his hair with a slight frown. "Through I do wish I cut my hair a little." Hinata walked forward and looked at Naruto's hair.

"I like it long." Naruto looked at hair and saw the smile.

"I guess I can keep it for a while." Hinata quickly gave Naruto a hug with a kiss surprising Naruto a little.

"I missed you." Naruto looked at Hinata and smiled even bigger.

"Me too." Naruto hugged her a little tighter as he looked at Tsunade who simply crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Come on I have to go talk with Tsunade before she loses it." Hinata smiled while Naruto grabbed her hand.


"So that is what happened." Tsunade calmly placed her hands on her desk while looking at Naruto who looked back with a tiny smile He told her everything except for the part about Kyuubi. That was something he needed to tell Hinata before long. "So your staying in Konoha until your village is done then your going to become it's leader."

"Pretty much the sum of it." Naruto watched as Tsunade went into a more thoughtful position. "And I would like this to stay between the Hokage and myself."

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