Chapter 19: The Rage and The Calm

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

"It is my loyalty and dedication towards the village and its people that makes my heart strong, if I'm fighting for the sake of those I love and care about, then I care not what happens to this body. For I am the blade that fights for the sake of my friends and their future, as such I have no regrets." - Unknown

In the House of Upside-Down: cellar's top floor, attic's ground. In the House of Upside-Down: laughing cries, and smile's frown. In the House of Upside-Down: found is lost, and lost-is found..." ―Little Sister Song/Poem at the beginning of BioShock 2

"I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new" - Unknown

A/N: To the anyoumous reviewer Sien. You have nothing to worry about Senji will not be an all powerful being. I have plans for Senji and they are coming together quite nicely. Thank you for the worry you expressed and I hope you continue to enjoy.

As soon as Sakura woke up she headed straight for the Hokage's office desperate to tell her about what happened to Sasuke. When Sakura told Tsunade she immediately sprung into action, but she cursed when she realized that she didn't have anymore Jonin to spare.

"I guess I'll have to go with another group." Tsunade went to Shizune and told her to bring in Shikamaru. Shikamaru arrived not minutes after being called sporting his new Chunin vest.

"This is so troublesome." Shikamaru yawned showing that Shizune woke him up from his nap.

"I have no time for this." Tsunade said this with force in her voice making Shikamaru stare at her confused. "Sasuke has left for Otogakure and we need a team sent after him to retrieve him, but I have no Jonin to spare. So Shikamaru you need to find four individuals that you know can handle this mission." Shikamaru nodded his head and turned around with a little more speed in his step.

Shizune looked at Tsunade who just sighed. "Why didn't you also call Naruto?" Tsunade looked at Shizune with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you gave him the promotion to Chunin."

Tsunade chuckled as she looked outside with amusement in her eyes. "He turned it down." Shizune eyes widened in shock. "He said if he took the promotion he would end up spending more time away from Hinata and he wanted to spend a little more time with her. He also said he felt he didn't deserve it yet something about his fight with Sasuke during the Chunin exams raddled him." Shizune nodded her head and continued to watch her mentor.


Naruto was walking hand in hand with Hinata with a smile that was as warm as the sun. When the pair was about to enter the ramen shop someone called out Naruto's name. Naruto turned around and saw Kiba, Chouji, Neji, and Shikamaru.

"I need you for a mission Naruto." Shikamaru said with authority in his voice. The tone in his voice was enough to make Naruto worried.

"What happened?" Naruto turned around as Hinata looked on with worry.

"Sasuke has left the village and is on his way to Otogakure." Naruto's eyes widened, but before he could speak he could hear someone breathing loudly. When he turned to the source of it he found Sakura staring at him with tears in her eyes.

"Naruto I tried." Naruto's eyes lowered as he looked at his teammate. "I found Sasuke talking to these four people and then I heard that he was going to leave with them. I tried to get to the Hokage to tell her, but Sasuke found out I was spying on him and knocked me out. I'm sorry." Naruto placed a comforting hand on Sakura's shoulder startling the girl.

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