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Those eyes...

The only thing on his mind where those eyes. Those carmine eyes that always seem to drive him crazy.

He stands at the window. Reading the letter he is to send to the omega tomorrow morning. The lamplight is illuminating a warm light in the room. His hair swiped sideways in a messy manner. He wears a white almost see through night shirt with floral embroidery in the front.

Behind him his bed messy and pillows lay tossed carelessly on the floor. The room is bathed in warm light, giving off a welcoming essence. Yet... He is angry.

He is angry that someone else to have the omega he desires. Angry that someone else would have the omega in their grasps. Two full moons from now the omega would be gone... Unless...

He wants Katsuki. His alpha wants Katsuki. He longs to sink his sharp fangs into the omega neck and pump it full with his venom. He longs to claim the omega as his own, love him and spoil him with all his heart. He longs to see the omega carry their pups one day, belly round and plump. Knowing that soon enough their little one would be running around in the rooms.

"An omega isn't claimed unless proven with the marked by their mate..." Those words keep sounding over and over again in his head. Katsuki isn't that alpha's unless his marked. So until then, Katsuki is still an unmated omega and can be with whoever he chooses.

Whoever he chooses...

Would the omega even choose him if he were to propose the idea of them being mates?

The omega is beautiful, everything from his eyes to his spikey blonde tips. The way his waist dips and fits perfectly in his hands. The way the omega would squirm and clamp his legs tightly together hopping the smell of his aroused slick wouldn't betray him, whenever the alpha would touch him or hold him tightly whenever they went riding. But even then the alpha would would still catch a whiff of the smell and have to take every bit of self-control not to just clamp his jaws on the Omega's neck and claim him right then and there.

The omega was so sensitive to his touch that he'd almost immediately start pooling in slick his inner omega was probably begging to be pumped with pups by the alpha.

The alpha growled.

Even if the omega were to reject the idea of being mates there was no denying the obvious attraction between the two, whether it be sexual or not. But he doesn't want Katsuki for sexual pleasure... He's in love with the omega.

He is in love with the omega. He's in love with Omega's intoxicating caramel like scent. The way it would make his head spin whenever he was near the scent gland or when Katsuki would release pheromones. They way his laugh would always make him feel lighter, or his smile.

He knew the Katsuki wasn't fond, no hated, the idea of being married off to some alpha. He'd much rather live in the streets- the omega had once said while they were riding in the meadows. But he couldn't for that would only make his mother depressed that her son was off on the streets and not happy in a home.
"If only I could be mated to someone who's love me and not after my body!", The omega shouted over the loud sounds of the horse's hooves galloping on the dirt.

"I mean that's the only reason he wants to marry me, it's obvious. The old geezer sold me for my body and he was the highest payer. Simple."

He's taken too long with this game of cat and mouse with the omega. He only has two moons left. But, it is fine. He'll take Katsuki from the field and into the woods. Where the cottage is. He'll have to get that cleaned first and set up with a late night dinner for the two. If all is to go well...

Tomorrow night, he'd claim him.


Though the bird's in the net, it may get away yet.

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