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'I have to see you again. Where the lady drops into her sea of red and the clock strikes twelve. You shall find me.'

Katsuki sat on his bed. He was reading the letter. Again and again. His spikey blonde hair is all over the place, bed head. He wears another white gown, laced with silk on the edges.
Behind him, Mina reads the letter over his shoulder and gasps. She knows everything.

"Katsuki, are you going to go?", She asks. Though she should already knows the answer but Katsuki doesn't answer. He reads the letter, again. Attached to it was one of the flowers the alpha had given him on their second meet. A hint to the place he wants Katsuki to meet him at.

"Come to my shop if you decide to go. I have something for you. Be there well before ten, you hear?", She says. She leaves, kissing Katsuki on the cheek, and off she goes. Mina runs a shop, near town. She sells magnificent gowns, dresses, suits and anything really. The female alpha was amazing at her work really. She hated the idea of setting up her shop in town, for it was too loud and busy.

Katsuki is left alone with his own thoughts, once again. Dangerous thoughts.

"Where the lady drops into her sea of red...", He whispers it under his breath and then looks at the flower.

The field with the tree.

Katsuki knows that field. They had both discovered it together. The field is covered with beautiful wine-red flowers, they smell like chocolate. And near the edge of that field, to the far right, next to the beginning of the forest is a tree. A tree with delicate-looking flowers. Lady drops.
The alpha had told him they were called lady drops. They had a delicate purple to them and opened like a flower in bloom.

Katsuki was sure not many people knew of that field, in fact, he was sure no one knew of that field. It was covered by trees and you'd have to go through heaps and heaps of bushes, hedges, and thorns to find it. They had happened to stumble upon when Katsuki decided to tease the alpha and that alpha had given chase to the omega. The pair had fallen through the hedges and the smaller had landed on alpha. But they didn't stay like that for long for the flowers had taken the Omega's attention.

The flowers in the field were wine red and smelt like delightful chocolate. Katsuki wondered if he could add them as an ingredient next time he was to make chocolate. Katsuki had gone home with a flower in his head, put there by the alpha. 'it matches your eyes', he had said. That same night was the night he was told he was to marry a lesser noble by his father.

A cruel man his father was. Of course, it wasn't his real father, no it was his step father.
The man was a merchant and sold goods in his shop, but he was greedy. Katsuki didn't like him one bit.

After his father had died, his mother was struggling and she had to marry. Of course, he had come along, in fact, he had been pinning for his mother for some time. Probably to marry Katsuki off for good money. And that's exactly what he got. His mother couldn't even defy him for she'd get slapped across her face. The woman just wanted her son to be safe and away from this house, so she agreed to the marriage idea.
That was five full moons ago. And every day after doing his chores he'd stop by Mina's and then leave to the field. Where the alpha would be. The alpha would bring books upon books and they'd soon dive into them. Or they'd go riding far from where they should be.

Two moons from now he'd have to move into the lesser noble's house. And three moons from then would be the wedding and they'd have to mate and mark. He wasn't fond of the alpha he was to be betrothed to.

He had dull yellow eyes and light black hair. He had little muscle but it was nothing compared to the alpha. The man too was an alpha but nothing could convince Katsuki to willingly want him.

But that wasn't what had Katsuki's heart racing, that had him almost shivering in excitement. Another thought had grabbed his attention this time!

A little walk away from the tree and into the forest was a cottage. It looked like it had been abandoned for ages but with a little cleaning and furniture t's all it would take to make the place look decent and liveable.

No one would find him there. No one would even know to look there. He could scream at the top of his lungs and no one would hear him. They'd be alone. In the forest.

Would the alpha take him there?

Katsuki shook his head at the thought. It was too early for those. He thought of other things to distract his mind of such thoughts, as to not dirty his gown. Again.

Mina said to meet her well before ten. She does not know of the field but she's only heard of it from him. Katsuki decided...

He'd go.


Those who wade in unknown waters will be sure to be drowned.

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