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"So then we all agree. The prophecy states that one of us will become the Green Ninja and the issue will not rest until it is decided." Jay spoke as we walked up the stairs. " May I suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best." Zane started. " And will be declared the Green Ninja! I love it!" Kai finished. I just shook my head and sighed. As we got up the stairs and opened the door, we saw Nya training. But once she saw us, she got boinked in the face with the side of an ax. I cringe as Jay walked over to her. " Hehee, Hey Nya. Closer to beating your brother's speed record?" " I'm getting there. Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?" Now wait a minute how the freak did you heard about anything. " Yeah. Uh, but we're gonna need the space. Sorry sis." Cole opened up the closet with our kendo gear in it. " Two matches. Then the winners of each face off for the title. Armors for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do." Cole said throwing the gear at Jay and Kai then lifted up his scythe. " Hey, Nya. Wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?" Kai offered Nya as I sat down on the side, already knowing the other's weren't going to let me join in. Probably because I'm so young and a girl and won't be the green ninja. To be fair, I already knew I wasn't going to be. Just have a feeling. " No, thanks. I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village. Knock yourselves out." Nya waved before walking away. I got up quickly. " Wait Nya! Can I join you!" " Aren't you going to fight against the others?" She questioned as I ran up to her. " I wish, did you hear Cole. Two matches, not enough to add me. Plus I know they would just say I'm too young to be the green ninja. Probably because I am a girl too." I huffed as Nya snicked. " Alright shortie, come on, let's go." I smiled and held her hand as the boys started to fight.

Nya and I walked around the village. I held her hand the whole time. I looked around to see if Lloyd was still around. Sadly he was not. But what I did find were people screaming and running back into their houses. " What now?" Nya looked around. "Take the candy! Take it all!" Lloyd wheeled out a wheelbarrow full of candy. " Of course, Lloyd... oh no" Nya gasped as I hid behind her. Serpentine walked behind the young boy. They started to hypnotize people! Nya and I hid quickly. "This makes no sensssse, General. Raiding an entire town for sssssweetss?" A serpent asked his higher up. "You will do as I command because I hold the sssstaff!" " Lloyd what have you done," I whispered.

Back at the monastery, the Ninja were training as Wu looking into the spirit smoke. He saw his nephew and serpents. He got scared and worried for the village and for his nephew. He stood up and went out to the Ninja. "The Serpentine are back! Everyone in Jamanakai Village is in danger!" We warned. "Calm down, Sensei. We were just there. It was some kid who says he-" "The spirit smoke does not lie! An ancient evil has been released" Wu cut off Cole. " Nya and (Y/n) are there right now!" Kai gasped. "Nya?" " (Y/n)!" Jay and Zane said before the 4 of them ran to their dragons and took off back to the village. Reaper looked around for his Ninja and laid down sadly after not seeing them. " Stay close, stay together." " Would we do it any other way."

" I'm never coming down from this sugar ride! Woo-hoo!" Lloyd announced, all cracked out on sugar as the Ninja land in front of him. "Sorry to bust your buzz, little Garamdon," Cole stated. " But it's already past your bedtime!" Jay added. Lloyd backed up a bit. " Get them!" He called out to the serpents. The general, Slithraa, rattled his tail. "Sssssseize them!" " The Serpentine? They're real?" Kai replied shocked.

The snakes and villagers surrounded the Ninja. " It's not just them we have to worry about. The whole village had been hypnotized!" Jay was about to use his nunchucks but Zane stopped him. " No! Our weapons are too unstable. We can do more harm than good." " Well I guess that leaves us with RUN!" The ninja all jumped up and fled the scene.

They ran to an alleyway and hide behind a wheelbarrow just as Nya and I jumped over to them. " Nya! (Y/n)! Your ok!" Jay said happily said. " Barely, they've hypnotized everyone in town." " Yeah! And Lloyd is controlling them!" I added. " Mind control. How is this possible?" Jay asked. " When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look them into their eyes!" Nya started, " That's how they get you" I finished. " What are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha! Perfect." Jay rambled like his usual self. " The snake with the staff is the general. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff away from him, it holds the antivenin. If we get that, we can save everyone!" Nya told us. " Look, guys, forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei proud. The five of us. We're a team." Kai encouraged as I walked over to them. " Now you're talking." " Oh, and Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay offered. " Geeeee, thaaanks." She sassed before we all jumped across the roofs of people's houses.

Kai started to fight the serpent. " Consider this a warning Ninja!" Lloyd yelled as I got ready to throw my spear. I signal to Zane to freeze my spear once it hit the ground. I threw it and it landed perfectly in front of Lloyd.. Zane froze my spear and a bit of the ground as Lloyds wheelbarrow fell over, causing him to trip over it as well. " Aaah! My candy!" Zane and I did spinjituz to quickly get over to him. " Sensei was right. Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. We should've dealt with you the first time around." Zane remarked. "Sorry Lloyd, " I whispered. Lloyd got up and scoffed. " Retreat!" He called out as the General repeated what he said.

They all started to flee and Cole jumped in and kicked the staff out of the General's hand. " Go ahead, give me a reason." He threatened. He picked up the staff as the general fled. But once he looked up, Skales tried to hypnotize him. " Look into my eyesssss. I control you." " You control...." "Cole!" Nya ran over and kicked the serpent right in the face before Cole could be fully hypnotized. " You have the antivenin!" She reminded him. " By golly, you're right!" " Quick, the fountain!" "Good idea!" Cole ran over to the foundation and stuck the staff inside. The antivenom spread along the foundation and down onto the streets, curing all the villagers.

Kai walked over to Sensei Wu, " We're sorry, Sensei. If we had dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would have been necessary." Kai apologized. " Even lessons learned the hard way, are lessons learned." Sensei Wu stated. " Hmm. A great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning." " Then we will train, and be ready for the Serpentine," Zane commented as he and Cole walked over. " It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A-game!" Cole said. " Help us train. help us realize our potential." Kai gave the staff to Sensei. " yeah, teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjizu. " Jay said. I walked over to Sensei Wu. " pretty pleeease" Sensei looked at me for a second before saying. " There is much to teach. We must return to the monastery. Nya sighed, " When am I gonna get my own dragon?" " Patience, Nya. Your time will come." Sensei Wu replied.

" uuugh, candy. I need candy. " Lloyd groaned. " The boy set ussss free." " He is a child!" Skales retaliated. " he isss not one of usss." The general pushed him away. " I may not have the ssstaff, but I am still your general! Stand down!" Skales turned and walked away. " You coward." Another serpent said to him. " We all knew issss under Lloyd'ss ssspell. You are sssecond in command, and ssstill you do nothing?" " Now wassss not the time." He spoke back. " I still hold the key to desstroy the ninja, and when I do that, everyone will sssee it isss I who could be in control." Skales laughed.

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