My Brother's Keeper

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Soon a guy walks in holding a sheet of paper.

"And this is my assistant, Bertrand." Spectra explains.

Jazz waves to him, but Bertrand just sniffs. Jazz stops and looks away, awkwardly.

"Jazz, we're gonna have a super week! Wait'll you see what we have planned for the Spirit-a-thon! Right after your speech."

Spectra looks to her assistant.

"Show her, Bertrand."

Bertrand holds up a photo, showing 'Casper Spirit' written in dominoes.

"We'll set off this domino chain that says 'Casper Spirit'. Dominoes represent how each person's spirit affects the next person they touch. Slammin', huh?"

"If by slammin', you mean weird, then yes." Jazz answers.

"And the spirit sparklers go off afterwards...right?"

"Oh, you bet they will."

She pulls a pair of sparklers out of her desk, she leaps up onto it, brandishing them enthusiastically.

"After all, what's spirit week without spirit sparklers?"

"You know, you're a little over-peppy, but my brother might benefit from talking to you. But he's so mad right now, he'd never listen to me." Jazz explains.

"Yes, well, he'll listen to me."

Later that day, Danny is sitting, angrily, outside Spectra's office, under a sign declaring his chair the 'Happy Chair!'. Aero walks over to him.

"Lancer made you come to the counselor?"

He looks at her and groans.

"Yeah, from my sister's suggestion."

"She's been really on you lately, huh?"

"Yeah, I don't know why!" Danny replies.

Aero sighs and then thinks of something.

"Hey, we can go to Nasty Burger and I can help you study."

Danny looks at her, in confusion.

" a date?"

Aero blinks and blushes.

"I-uh....Why? Do you want it to be a date?"

Danny rubs his neck, blushing.

"Uh, I mean-"

The two jump and look over as the door opens. Paulina & Spectra walk out.

"So, you're saying my popularity is, like, completely dependent on my beauty?"

Spectra gently replies.

"I'm not saying it's fair, sweetie. But if you feel like you need something, like, a lot of makeup, I say go for it! You're the only you you've got!"

Spectra turns to the two.

"Danny, come on in!"

Aero starts to walk off.

"I'll see you later then."

Danny gets up.


Spectra goes back into the office and Danny follows her. As he walks in, he thinks; wow that was the worst timing. He then closes the door behind him. Paulina stands there despondently for a moment, then turns and walks away. Aero looks at her, confused and then walks away.

Inside the office; Spectra is sitting at her desk and Danny is shivering in the chair across from her.

"I can't believe my stupid sister convinced Lancer to make this my punishment. And can we please turn up the heat in here? I can see my own breath!"

Danny Phantom X Oc- The OutcastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang