Chapter Nii-jyu-roku: Why Are Coffee Shops The Most Common Place To Gather?

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"So, when are we going to meet Annie?" Sasha asked. We're waiting for Annie to come out since she's on cleaning duty with some others today.

"Just be patient. Have you also told Mikasa to wait in front of the school?"

"Yeah. She's probably there by now with Eren and Armin. By the way, where are Connie and the others?"

"They ran all the way outside, dragging Sebastian with them."

"Oh, right. Wait, what's with him and Eren? I always see Sebastian trying to talk to Eren but Eren just ignores him. Is there a reason?" Sasha, why would you ask that? I can't just tell her the exact reason why they're like that. I'll just pretend I don't know a thing.

"Who knows? I asked Sebastian about it but he didn't say anything." I then saw Annie go out of the classroom. "Annie's here. Hey, Annie!" I screamed and waved my hand to get her attention. She stopped walking when she saw us and we walked to her.

"What're you two doing here?" Annie asked.

"We're planning on hanging out tomorrow since the boys are gonna have one. Wanna come?" 

She thought about it for a moment before answering me. "Sure, I'll go. I don't have anything to do anyway."

"Really? Yay! I thought this'll be harder than what we expected." I sighed in relief and Sasha just handed Annie the waffle stick she's eating.

"It's good, try it." Annie grabbed it and took a bite.

"Yeah, it is good. Thanks." Annie took a bite again and Sasha smiled.

"Now that we got Annie's answer, let's go to Mikasa." Sasha said before walking away, me and Annie following her.

"You're gonna invite Mikasa?" I nodded. "Good luck with that. Are there any more people coming besides us three?"

"Yeah, Mina and Ymir. I'm really hoping Mikasa agrees to go though."

"Like I said before, good luck with that and where are those two?"

"Oh, they went home to plan on what we're gonna do tomorrow. They'll send us the plans later to see if there's anything we want to change."

"I see." And that ended our conversation.

We're now at the front of the school and Sasha ran up to Mikasa and the two boys when she saw them. I know she always does that but why would she hug Eren anyway? What's her deal? I looked to my side to see Annie's face looking a bit mad. It may look like that but I can feel a deadly aura coming out of her eyes. Now I have a reason not to piss Annie off. Mikasa doesn't seem like she's bothered… no, she's definitely bothered. She's glaring daggers at Sasha.

How are we going to ask Mikasa to come if it's like this now? Eren doesn't look like he'll be of much help since he's still being hugged by Sasha. Mikasa and Annie really wanted to jump in and separate the two and luckily, Armin is there to save the day. Phew.

"Sasha, what did you call Mikasa here for?" Armin asked and Sasha finally let go of Eren which eased the anger of us three.

"Uh, something about us going out that we're planning on doing tomorrow. C'mon, Historia, say it." Sasha pushed me in front of Mikasa and I kind of got nervous.

"I-well, w-want to come there tomorrow?!" Say, "yes" please!

"No." EEK!? I know this is gonna happen, but I need to make her come with us! We need Mikasa there!

"Good luck with this, Historia. I'm gonna go home so message me if this went well." Annie said to me before going out of the school. Now I'm the only that's gonna do this, with Sasha of course. 

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